Grush & Liza's Hideout

Chichi Liza and Grush are the two underrated goons from the Project A-ko "Battles" miniseries, Battle 1: Grey side & Battle 2: Blue side. It is they who kidnapped, and delivered C-ko to the nasty clutches of Gail. Grush and Liza are a team, Grush being the leader, and Liza providing the muscle. Being space pirates, they tend to raid mostly transport and research ships.

These two have about as much luck with vehicles as James Bond. In just one episode, (Project A-ko Part 5: Battle 1 Grey side) Liza & Grush lost a spaceship & it's escort starfighter due to damage from a dogfight with the Kotobuki fleet. Later, their Sub-Sand Cruiser was crippled by the combined efforts of A-ko and B-ko.

Grush is distinguished by his ability to totally misunderstand. For example, the classic scene where Liza and A-ko are fighting. Gail arrives and tells Liza to "Stop playing around."
Confused, Grush, deadpan says "Well to me it looks less like playing, more like bitter combat!"

Liza posesses brute fighting strength and edurance, equal to A-ko. This is convenient, the two ended up scrag fighting throughout the two episode series. By some stroke of fate, something always happened to prevent Liza from finishing off A-ko, or vice-versa.

Not only are Grush & Liza a team professionally, it is apparent by the end of Part 6 that they are probably also lovers.
(Aw... How sweet! Bonnie & Clyde eat their hearts out!)

Everyone bow to the real partners-in-crime, Liza & Grush!

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