D's Shrine

Agent DC 138621S113 (D for short) is a brave but slightly dense individual, who provided much of the slapstick humour in the first movie when she was continually sent into orbit by A-ko accidently. (and once in Project A-ko 2 for old times sake...)

Actually part of the search party for C-ko, D was succesful in her mission and magaged to retrieve C-ko safely. (ie kidnap)

D is actually a genuinely nice person, though she is gullible, and serves Captain Napolipolita without question. Subtlety isn't D's strong point, she often divulges sensitive information through no real fault of her own, she just talks before she thinks.

As a spy, D is a master of disquise. How do you hide a 6 ft tall woman with purple hair? Easy! A tacky trenchcoat, wide brimmed had, and shades should do the trick! (Hey, fooled me...) For fighting, D normally wears a revealling orange battle-bikini. In the OAV sequels D wore what ever clothes were apropriate.

One of the thing I like most about D is that she takes real pride in her work. When she showed Captain Napolipolita her surveilance footage, she proudly told the Captain what setting she used, Aperture and Shutter speed. It's good to see D cares about these kind of things, many spies just want to get the job done without anything fancy.

Good show, D. You've done well.

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