Miss Ayumi Sensei's Shrine

Miss Ayumi Sensei is without a shadow of a doubt, one of the more enigmatic characters in Project A-ko. She's a popular teacher at Graviton High School for Girls, only due to her mystifying teaching methods (reading paragraphs from textbooks) nobody is sure exactly what subject she's teaching! Here is an example, translated form the original Japanese script.

"Who, what, why, tan-ku-chi, consequently we are the world of the Horomachi period ah, yes. . . . Maybe, but, H2O of bamboo flea, love in your Sigma-Z romance is a Rias coast, look out, look out. . . . The tanks are coming through, go to track five to catch the cuckoo"

As you can see, Miss Ayumi loses a LOT in translation...

Outside the classroom Ayumi is clueless, unable to notice events most people would find disturbing. For example, In Project A-ko Miss Ayumi was oblivious to B-ko's Arashiyama Five mecha. Even worse, in Project A-ko 4, Final, Miss Ayumi was nearly fried by a stray Akagiyama Missile, and she barely noticed!

But Miss Ayumi is more than just a teacher, she's also a reserve member of the Public Workers Defence Force. (PWDF) For this she has a transformable Motor Scooter/Hoverbike. Sadly Ayumi is useless in this role because she mistakes the signs of battle as fireworks! (How pretty!)

Behind Miss Ayumi's ditzy facade lies a secretive person. In Part 4, Final, Ayumi wears a strange necklace, and she starts acting strangely (reciting chants ect.) For one moment Ayumi seems suprisingly self aware, focusing her ki into an intense stare! Yep, there's more to her than meets the eye...

At 26 years old, Miss Ayumi is still single, probably the most suprising thing about her. (take note, in Anime so many of these babes are "elligible"!) But (sigh) like most of the girls in Project A-ko, Ayumi wants Kei...

Anyway, lets have a big round of applause for Miss Ayumi Sensei!!!


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