Kei's Bachelor Pad
Kei Yuki is the token love-interest in Project A-ko, I consider him worthy of shrine status for a number of reasons. 

1: He's extremely cool. Kei rides a red 2015 model replica Harley Davidson, has the ability to make all the girls (but C-ko) swoon, and can skull a can of coke in 3 seconds flat!

2: He has realistic character flaws. Kei's real weakness is women, ie, he can't deal with them. Too shy to talk to girls, Kei mantains a quiet, solemn facade. This of course, only makes him more of a babe magnet. Perhaps to compensate for his lack of a dating scene, Kei watches porno videos.

3: He's under the thumb of his mother. Let's admit it, our mothers have a lot of influence, but Kei's mum takes the cake. She and Hikaru Daitokuji joined forces to arrange a marriage between Kei and Miss Ayumi. 

Kei didn't appear until Project A-ko 3, Cinderella Rhapsody, but he was made up for lost time with his brooding, romantic performance. He even made a cameo appearence in Project A-ko 6, in A-ko's strange dream sequence, where he went over the top with emotional acting! 

Let's face it, after Part 2, Project A-ko needed a change in direction, and Kei provided it. 

Thank you Kei!

Kei's Quote (.wav)
Excuse me... Coke

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