The Shrine of the REAL Project A-ko Goddesses
Asa, Ume, Ine, Mari

Yep, that's right. Here are the true Project A-ko goddesses. O.K, I admit they have almost no free will, and are a nasty lot, but they are entertaining. All are paid followers, and address B-ko as "Miss Daitokuji", or "Miss B-ko". They fear her wrath, yet still complain behind her back. You gotta love em.

Asa: (the pretty one with the ponytail)

Asa is B-ko's personal assistant/secretary, and a very underrated underling in that she dosen't do much. The only attractive girl in B-ko's gang, why she hasn't a life is a mystery.

Ume: (the chubby one with the bowl haircut)

Ume is the nominated test-pilot of the gang, while all the girls can pilot mecha, Ume is the expert. It is Ume who piloted the Max 5000 in Project A-ko, (Though she failed misrably) and Ume who pilots the pink Gyrocopter

Ine: (the skinny one with buck teeth)

Ine is the espionage expert, constantly spying on A-ko. She's handy with a handicam, and sound with a microphone. Though her stalking skills leave something to be desired for, she must be doing something right, she hasn't been spotted once!

Mari: (The BIG girl with the pigtails)

Mari is a walking punchline, though I doubt anybody would dare laugh at her. She's B-ko's musclegirl, useful for strongarm tactics, and pedal-powering Gyrocopters. Mari also enjoys pressing flowers in her spare time.

What can I say? Without these four stooges, B-ko wouldn't have any scapegoats for failure. She'd have to take responsibility for her OWN actions, and that's no fun at all. All hail the TRUE goddesses, Asa, Ume, Ine, and Mari!

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