Alright! Before you actually start delve into the profiles you might want to check this out first. (Again, if you're reading this I guess you are planning on reading the rest of my comments here . . . anyway . . ..)

I'm afraid to say that very little of this information is my own information. ^.^ That is to say, almost everything here I've gotten by visiting other people's pages. I've done my best to give all credit where credit is due, but I'm sorry to say I'm a lazy bum who doesn't feel like hunting down all those scrillion and a half sites. If you would like me to link to you in my links section or accredit you to any particular information then just send me an email and I'll be glad to get things fixed. ^_^

Also, as you might imagine, some of my information might be a tad off. Okay, a lot. Once more, I've tried to set things up into actual facts and popular rumors. However, if you see anything on my page that is not only uncertain but downright wrong, please, please, please please please let me know! I'm trying to keep this page as accurate as I can. (Pisha! And we thought the Slayers was supposed to *funny*, no? ^_~) Credit, linkage, and more thank yous than you might can handle will of course be given!

In addition to that, please send me stuff! Whatever, I don't care! =P As far as fan stuff, I'll post just about anything. (With the exception of hentai . . . sorry, it's just . . . so not my thing, as we'll put it. I will post lemons though . . . well, tasteful ones that is . . . . .) That goes double for information and pictures! Anything at all would be a scrillion times appreciated!

Um . . . oh! If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. If you have any questions about anything at all, just drop me a line and I'll try to get back to you. (*Try* that is . . . ha ha ha ha . . . um, just kidding.) Make my inbox happy!

Mazoku to Tea is copyright Mia C. and any information or images stolen from here . . . no no, just kidding! =P If you want to use any of the information or images or whatever please feel free to. Damn things took me long enough to find myself . . . . . Feel free to use anything here you might need. I sure didn't make it. ^_^; And if you don't feel like emailing don't bother either. Although . . . like I said, we want a happy inbox. And when my inbox is happy, Mia is happy. **scary Lina laugh** And we don't want an unhappy Mia, NOW DO WE? Ahem, other than that though, feel free to do anything within reason. Please just don't link directly to the images! **scary laugh again**  

Well, otherwise, knock yourself out! Hell, terrorize my message board if it floats your boat, just don't make me get Gaav out here!

Scaring small children,
Mia C.
And her overused email address
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