ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º º º ULTRALaunch v1.04 º º ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ º º º º Copyright (C) 1994, Conquest Software & Keith Cohen º º Documentation by Mike Duvall º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ * Disclaimer * ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ULTRALaunch is copyrighted material. You may not alter this program in any way, distribute, decompile or reverse engineer any part of this program, or in any other way, violate the copyright laws of the United States of America without prior written permission of the author. The author holds no responsibility for any loss or damage caused by the use of ULTRALaunch. I have tested this version thoroughly and it shouldn't cause any problems. Of course I know the program and know what it's supposed to do, and what it isn't, and I have tried to make it crash proof and hopefully foolproof. Under all circumstances, you use this program AT YOUR OWN RISK! Use and enjoy! ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ͵ INTRODUCTION ÆÍ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Welcome to ULTRALaunch! The complete DOOM(II) & HERETIC WAD Manager. Looking for one program to handle all of your wads efficiently and easily? Can't find the text file to tell you what level that wad is? Is your hard drive overwhelmed by the sheer size of all those extra wads? Need a simple, easy to use solution? ULTRALaunch has arrived! - Menu-Driven Access To All Game Options! - Fully Supports Multi-Player Games! - Handles Over 8000 External WAD Files Per Game! - WADs Are Compressed With PKZIP Until They Are Needed! - Allows 6 Separate Saved Games For Each WAD! - Allows Assignment Of Rating And Description To WADs! - WADs Can Be Separated In Up To 250 Groups! - Creates Multiple Reports Of Your WADs! - Keeps Track Of Date/Time/Elapsed Time WAD Was Played! - WAD Statistics (Number Of Monsters, Ammo, Weapons, Etc)! - Built In Map Viewer! - MUCH, MUCH More! ** Trouble Shooting Section at the end of this Document ** ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ͵ ULTRALaunch INFORMATION ÆÍ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ I began writing ULTRALaunch around July 1, 1994 and it now consists of over 15,000 lines of code. It is written in Turbo Pascal v7.0, with many of the functions written in Assembler. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ͵ ULTRALaunch REQUIREMENTS ÆÍ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ o You must have PKZIP.EXE and PKUNZIP.EXE by PKWARE, Inc. to fully use ULTRALaunch. You will encounter problems with your saved games if you don't have PKZIP and PKUNZIP in your PATH! Please obtain a copy of these programs and place them in a directory in your path. UL will not behave properly without them. NOTE: ULTRALaunch accesses your hard drive quite often, and it will be VERY slow if you are not using a disk cache, such as SMARTDRV. If you can't use SMARTDRV because it causes DOOM(II) to lock-up, take a look at the sample ALL.IN & ALL.OUT batch files at the end of this document. If it exists, ALL.IN will be executed before playing DOOM(II) EVERYTIME, and ALL.OUT will be executed when returning from DOOM. This also applies to [wadname].IN & [wadname].OUT. They will be executed for specific WADs only. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ͵ GETTING STARTED ÆÍ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ You will be presented with the main window, which shows any wads you have installed. The first time you run ULTRALaunch, the only wad listed will be the original DOOM.WAD, DOOM2.WAD, or HERETIC.WAD file. You should begin configuring ULTRALaunch to suit your needs. Hit to configure ULTRALaunch. (NOTE: Configuration options are kept separate for each game.) Then, after returning to the main screen, hit key to add new wads. ** ANY PRE-INSTALLATION SAVED GAMES ARE NOT LOST! ** In UL, hit on the main wad, scroll down to LOAD SAVE GAME and choose any of your saved games. They have been zipped during installation. ** FOR THE PURPOSES OF OF THIS DOCUMENTATION ** ULTRALaunch has three game modes: DOOM, DOOM II, and Heretic. Hence forth, the documentation will refer to "DOOM" when discussing game setup and play options. Everything discussed will work exactly the same in each of the three modes unless specifically stated. This is to make the documentation easier to write. When you run ULTRALaunch, you will first be presented with the main window. Each .WAD will be listed with several additional pieces of information. GroupÄ¿ ÚÄÄSingle Wad Last Time & ³ ³ÚÄCo-op Name Rating Description Date Played ³ ³³ DMatchÄ¿ ³ v ³ÀÄÄÄ¿ ³ DOOM DOOM - The Original ³ ----/---- 5 ÀÄÄÄ¿³ ³ DMPRISON 7.6 Doom Prison ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ> ----/---- 5 ZWG----DÄÄÄÙ IO14 8.2 Several levels of fun fighting ----/---- 5 ZW--TSCD PUREEVIL 7.3 Pure Evil - Runs good on my machine ----/---- 5 ZWG--S-- YAKWORLD 9.7 Yakworld - Killer wad! ----/---- 8 ZWGN-SC- ZIP ExistsÙ³³³³ Working Copy Of WAD ExistsÄÙ³³ÀText Saved Game(s) ExistÄÙÀNotes ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ =ADDING WADS TO ULTRALaunch= ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ When you first install UL, the only wad shown in the main screen is the original wad from DOOM (DOOM II, Heretic). To add external wads to UL, simply hit the key. UL will look to the directory you specifed in the CONFIGURATION screen under "WAD Path" and see if there are any wads in that directory that are not in the UL database. You can accept or reject those wads one by one or hit and accept ALL. All newly added wads will now be listed in UL's main window. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ =LAUNCHING YOUR FIRST WAD= ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Launching .WAD files is easy. Simply scroll down to the wad you want to play and press . A GAME OPTION screen will come up and you can change various settings, including sounds, music, and difficulty level. When you have everything set as you want it, hit F10 and DOOM (or DOOM II or Heretic) will load and you will be warped to the level your selected wad replaces. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ =SWITCHING GAME MODES= ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ You can switch between databases by hitting . Select with game you want to switch to and press . ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ͵ COMMANDS AVAILABLE FROM MAIN WINDOW ÆÍ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ From the main window, you have numerous options for controlling both ULTRALaunch and DOOM's environment. Hitting F1 from the main window will bring up a help screen to remind you of all the commands available. - ......................Execute 2.BAT through 10.BAT ULTRALaunch will run user defined batch files and can be used in conjunction with popular DOOM(II) utilities and passes the current wad filename and its path as command line options to any batch files you create. Batch files are named 2.BAT through 10.BAT. (NOTE: Batch files should be placed into the respective game's sub-directory.) %1 Current WAD FileName With NO Extension %2 Path To WADs (As Defined On Configuration Screen) <><>,,...Maneuver Cursor <><>............................Toggle Information Displayed Toggle the information that is displayed for each WAD: First: Rating, Description, Last Date/Time Played, Group, Flags Second: Size, Total Elapsed Time, Times Played, Level Replaced Third: Path <0-9>........................Jump To Next Filename Starting With... .............................Add wads to ULTRALaunch Your .WAD files must be placed in the WAD path specified on the configuration screen for ULTRALaunch to find and add them. ULTRALaunch scans each wad to determine what level it replaces. It also checks for replaced graphics and sounds, new demos, and whether it is single player, co-op, and or deathmatch. For Each New WAD UL Finds, You Will Be Given Four Choices, They Are: Y: Yes, OK To Add This WAD. N: No, Skip This WAD. A: Add ALL (No Prompting From Now On). Q: Quit Adding. ...........................Play .WAD ULTRALaunch will extract the wad from its zip file and present you with a submenu of configuration items to preview before you play. Hitting will run DOOM(II) and the selected .WAD. See below for complete description of submenu options and commands. ...........................Tag/Untag Current Wad Places a white flashing asterisk next to the current wad, marking it as tagged. When you select a WAD to run, by hitting on it, all WADs that are tagged will also be loaded. Tagged wads can be managed with the Tagged WAD Functions menu . See for a description of the functions. .............................Delete/Restore Current WAD When You Press On A WAD, You Will Be Asked If You Want To Delete Its Notes, Then Its Saved Games, Then The Actual .ZIP File Containing The WAD, Finally You Will Be Asked If You Want To Mark That Record For Deletion. This Is So You Can Remove The Related Files To Save Disk Space, While Retaining The WAD's Record In UL For Statistical Purposes. If You Mark A WAD For Deletion Through The "Group Functions Menu" Or The "Tagged WAD Functions" Will Mark The Records For Deletion, But The Saved Games And .ZIP Files Will Not Be Removed Until The Database Is Packed (...........................Exit ULTRALaunch Upon exiting, ULTRALaunch will update its config file to reflect any changes you have made to the program, including any Games Settings changes you may have made. ...........................Auto-Sync(tm) (IPX Network Play) With Auto-Sync(tm), one player chooses the wad to be played and configures it for the number of players and other options within the submenus and hits to accept his choices. Other players on the network need only hit after the first player has made his choices to "jump" right in, using the same selections as the first player. NOTE: For ULTRALaunch (and DOOM(II)) to work correctly on a network, each player needs their own copy of ULTRALaunch & DOOM(II) in a separate directory. ...........................Configure ULTRALaunch A submenu will pop-up, allowing you to change the way ULTRALaunch operates. See below for a complete description of submenu options and commands. ...........................Edit Current WAD Information Change the wad description, rating, and group. Ratings may be from 0.0 to 99.9. The group can be from 0 to 250 or 255. The or key moves the cursor down to the next field. moves the cursor up one field. will cancel any changes you have made. ...........................Change FLAGS for current WAD Change any or all of the flags for the current wad. When a .wad file is added to ULTRALaunch, it is automatically scanned to determine if there is single, co-op, and death match play and the flags are set accordingly. You may wish to change these, however, if for example there is a wad that is designed for deathmatch play but also allows single player action, and you want to indicate that this wad is really only suitable for DM play. Use the arrow keys to move between the three fields and the or keys to toggle between YES and NO. Hit to save your changes and return to the main window. ...........................Group Functions See "Sub-Menus" section below for complete explanation. ...........................Set Highlights HIGHLIGHTED GROUP Toggle this to highlight a specific group of wads. All others will be dimmed except for the HIGHLIGHTED FLAG group, if one has been specified. Defaults to . HIGHLIGHTED FLAG Toggle this to highlight the type of WAD you are looking to play. Single, Co-op, and Death Match can be selected. All wads not matching the highlighted flag will be dimmed, except for the HIGHLIGHTED GROUP if one has been specified. Defaults to . ...........................Information on Current WAD Call up a window that shows the level or levels included with the current wad, and what changes were made by the creator, such as new sounds, new graphics, or demos, etc... With this window up, you can hit and call up a detailed window for the current wad. Choose whether you want to see details for the whole wad or just one level (if the wad is multi-level) and select whether ULTRALaunch should display muiltiplayer information. ...........................Jump to Last WAD Played Useful for when you can't remember what the name of the killer wad you were playing before you stopped for sleep. ...........................Map Viewer Display a map of the current wad, including color-coded monsters, weapons, ammo, triggers, and other such items. Use the bar to change the scrolling rate and cursor keys to move around the map. calls up a help screen. ...........................Edit/View Notes For Current WAD You can use your favorite ASCII editor to record notes about a particular wad. Track special areas or record interesting places and game play notes. ...........................Pack Database In order to remove wads from ULTRALaunch, you first need to tag them with the key. A flashing asterisk tells you which wads you have marked to remove. They will stay that way until you either pack the database or remove the deletion tag. If you quit ULTRALaunch and rerun it, ULTRALaunch will keep track of marked wads but will not delete them. ...........................Reset Statistics for Current WAD Erase Last Time Played, Number of times played, & generated statistics for the current wad. ...........................Search for Text-Filename/Description Input text to look for and ULTRALaunch will search both filenames and descriptions for the text you entered. Hitting again will present you with the same information you inputed when you last searched. You can either clear that information out or search for the same criteria again. ...........................Tagged WAD Functions If you have tagged wads, you can Reset Stats, Change Group, Toggle Deletion Flag, and Clear Tags. Note: If you decide to move tagged wads into a group that is already in use, you will be asked to confirm your choice. You CANNOT move WADs to group #255 with this function. You must use to edit the individual WADs group. ...........................Update WAD's Episode/Mission Allows you to update (change) the current episode/mission that a WAD modifies. ...........................View .TXT File for Current WAD ULTRALaunch reads .TXT files from the .ZIP file if a wad was supplied with one. The text file must have the same name as the .WAD it came with and a .TXT extension. I.E. SUBWAY.WAD & SUBWAY.TXT. If the text file has a different name, you will need to rename it to match the name of the wad BEFORE adding that wad to ULTRALaunch. ...........................WAD Reports ULTRALaunch will provide the user with many different reports including a catalog listing of installed wads. See the REPORTS section under SUBMENUS below. ...........................Generate Statistics ULTRALaunch keeps tab on such things as total time played of all wads, average rating, etc. This is a sample Stats Screen: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[ Statistics ]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ All WADs ³ ³ ³ ³ Total WADs............. 457 ³ ³ Played WADs............ 51 ( 11.2%) ³ ³ UnPlayed WADs.......... 406 ( 88.8%) ³ ³ ³ ³ First Play............. 07/28/94 At 1:10pm ³ ³ Last Play.............. 09/08/94 At 3:09pm ³ ³ ³ ³ Total Elapsed Time..... 22 Hours, 37 Minutes, 41 Seconds ³ ³ Average Elapsed Time... 26 Minutes, 37 Seconds ³ ³ Low Elapsed Time....... 2 Minutes, 10 Seconds ³ ³ High Elapsed Time...... 1 Hour, 13 Minutes, 48 Seconds ³ ³ ³ ³ Average Rating......... 2.5 ³ ³ ³ ³ Total Plays............ 228 ³ ³ Average Plays.......... 4.5 ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[ Press Any Key To Continue ]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ..........................Clear Tags ..........................Edit Text File ..........................View ULTRALaunch Log File ..........................Clean-Up Working WADs ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ͵ SUBMENUS ÆÍ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ =CONFIGURATION MENU= ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[ Miscellaneous ]ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º º º Use ZIPed WADs................... ON º º New WAD Group.................... Group # 1 º º 1st Sort Field................... Group º º 2nd Sort Field................... Rating º º 3rd Sort Field................... FileName º º Sort Order....................... Ascending º º "Sticky" Cursor.................. ON º º Screen Mode...................... 25 Lines º º Auto-Load Group 255.............. ON º º Screen Blanker Time.............. 1 Minute º º Dialing Prefix................... º º Auto-Load Last Saved Game........ ON º º Date Format...................... MM/DD/YY º º Date Separator................... / º º Time Format...................... 12 Hour º º Time Separator................... : º º Development Mode................. OFF º º Beeps/Bells...................... ON º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[ <> Move, Change, Quit ]ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ Use ZIPed WADs.............. NEW WAD GROUP...............Choose what group you want new wads added to. Defaults to . 1st, 2nd, 3rd SORT FIELD....Arrange the order in which your wads are listed by one of 8 criteria, including GROUP TIMES PLAYED ELAPSED TIME FILENAME, RATING DESCRIPTION LAST PLAY NONE SORT ORDER..................Choose Ascending or Descending sort order. "STICKY" CURSOR.............Toggles whether the cursor will "stick" with the wad if it is moved during a re-sort after changing the rating or group. SCREEN MODE.................Choose 25 or 50 line screen mode. AUTO-LOAD GROUP 255.........If this option is ON, ULTRALaunch will automatically load any WADs that are in Group #255 every time you play a WAD. This is useful for graphic/sound effect replacements. Group #255 can contain a maximum of 5 WADs. Screen Blanker Time.........Sets the time, in minutes, before ULTRALaunch blanks the screen to protect your monitor Dialing Prefix..............Specify a default dialing prefix with this command. Defaults to . Auto-Load Last Saved Game...Toggle this on if you want ULTRALaunch to automatically load your last save game for the selected wad. Even with this toggled on, you can still change to another saved game if you wish. Date Format.................Toggle through the different date formats and choose the one that suits you best. Date Separator..............Toggle through the different date seperators and select the one that suits you best. Time Format.................Choose between 12 hour and 24 hour format. Time Separator..............Choose what character you want to use as the time seperator. Defaults to the colon (:) but can be any keyboard character. Development Mode............You can select if you want to activate Developent Mode when playing a wad file. Beeps/Bells.................Toggle ULTRALaunch's sounds on or off. ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[ Programs/Paths ]ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º º º PKZIP............................ PKZIP.EXE º º PKUNZIP.......................... PKUNZIP.EXE º º Serial Driver.................... SERSETUP.EXE º º IPX Driver....................... IPXSETUP.EXE º º TCP/IP Driver.................... TCPSETUP.EXE º º Text Viewer...................... LIST.COM º º Text Editor...................... Q.EXE º º WAD Path......................... C:\DOOM\WADS\ º º Common Network Path.............. G:\ º º .IN/.OUT Batch File Path......... C:\DOOM\ º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[ <> Move, Change, Quit ]ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ PKZIP....................... Path & FileName Of PKZIP. PKUNZIP..................... Path & FileName Of PKUNZIP. SERIAL DRIVER............... Path & FileName Of Serial Driver. IPX DRIVER.................. Path & FileName Of IPX Network Driver. TCP/IP DRIVER............... Path & FileName Of TPC/IP Driver. (NOTE: Response File Is Automatically Disabled When Playing A TCP/IP Game.) TEXT VIEWER.................Choose you favorite ASCII file viewer, such as LIST.COM. Defaults to EDIT.COM. TEXT EDITOR.................Choose your favorite ASCII text editor, such as QEDIT (Q.EXE). Defaults to EDIT.COM. WAD PATH....................Specify the location where ULTRALaunch will store your zipped .WAD files. COMMON NETWORK PATH.........Use with Auto-Sync(tm) for network play. Specifies a path that all network players must have access to for Auto-Sync(tm) to correctly pass game parameters between work stations. .IN/.OUT Batch File Path....Path where .IN/.OUT batch files are kept. However, they will still be executed from the DOOM(II) directory. ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[ Additional Parameters ]ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º º º DOOM Parameters.................. º º IPX Parameters................... º º Modem Parameters................. º º Serial Parameters................ º º TCP/IP Parameters................ º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[ <> Move, Change, Quit ]ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ This section allows you to enter any additional parameters that you want passed on the command line for each of the game types. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ =GAME OPTIONS= ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Game Options Screen: ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[ Game Options ]ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º º º CASTLE.WAD (134k) º º º º Game Type..................... Normal º º Skill Level................... Ultra-Violence. º º Warp To Episode/Mission....... E1M1 º º Load Saved Game............... º º Monsters...................... ON º º Fast Monsters................. OFF º º Sound......................... ON º º Music......................... ON º º Turbo Scale................... 100% (Default) º º DEMO Mode..................... º º DEMO FileName................. º º DEMO Buffer................... 128k (Default) º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[ <> Move, Change, Launch, Abort ]ÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ GAME TYPE...................Choose what type of game you want to play, including NORMAL, IPX NETWORK, MODEM, & SERIAL. Selecting any one of the settings other than NORMAL will call up a final communications pre-play window and allow you to choose whether you want to play Co-op or Death Match and related communications settings. See COMMUNICATIONS SETTINGS below for a complete description of these options. SKILL LEVEL.................Choose one of the 5 skill levels from the submenu. WARP TO EPISODE/MISSION.....Most wads are a single mission and ULTRALaunch automatically sets that as the default mission. If you have a wad file that contains multiple missions, you can choose which one you want to warp to. If you change this setting with a single level wad, you will simply play the original version from DOOM(2).WAD. LOAD SAVE GAME..............Choose a save game and load that at the start if you have saved one for the current wad. MONSTERS....................Toggle Monsters ON, OFF, or ReSpawn. FAST MONSTERS...............Fast Monsters doubles the speed at which opponents fire at you. Need an extra challenge from the tried and true wad? Toggle this ON. This option is automatically toggled OFF after every play, so you won't accidentally leave it ON. SOUND.......................Toggle sound On or Off. MUSIC.......................Toggle music On or Off. TURBO SCALE.................Allows players to increase or decrease their movement speed from a factor of 1% to 250%. This could be useful in Deathmatch games where a less experienced player might need a little boost. You can set this for any type of game, but using this on a single player game is wussing out, isn't it... DEMO MODE...................You can Record or Playback demo files (.LMP's) by toggling this mode. DEMO FILENAME...............Specify either the filename to be recorded or to be played back. DEMO BUFFER.................Set the size of the recording buffer for demos. The size is in "Kbytes" so 1024 would be one meg of buffer. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ =GROUP FUNCTIONS= ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ RESET STATS.................Clear Total Time Played & Number Of Times Played statistics for a particular group. Does NOT clear description, rating, or flags indicators. CHANGE GROUP NUMBER.........Give the wads in a particular group another group designation. If you attempt to change a group to one that already is in use, you will be prompted for a confirmation. TOGGLE GROUP DELETION FLAG..An easy way to clear out unwanted wads from ULTRALaunch by tagging them all for deletion in one pass. Remember that to actually remove them, you need to repack the database. You can reverse the process and remove the deletion tag from a group of wads as well. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ =COMMUNCATION OPTIONS= ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ NOTE: The title of the options screen will reflect the menu option you selected under the Game Settings screen depending on whether you chose IPX, Modem, or Serial connection. ALSO, certain items will be dimmed when not appropriate for the type of connection to be established. For example, you don't need to input a Phone Number for an IPX setting, etc.... PLAY TYPE...................Choose whether you want to play a Co-operative game or either Deathmatch 1.0 or 2.0 rules. TIME LIMIT(DeathMatch Only).Allows players to set a time limit on the length of Deathmatches. Time is in minutes and the level will end automatically, when the timer reaches the specified setting. Defaults to . NUMBER OF PLAYERS...........Choose how many players will be playing. IPX PORT....................Tell ULTRALaunch what IPX port you are using. CONNECT TYPE................Set this to deterimine who will initiate the call with Modem play. Choose "Wait for Call", "Make Call", or "Already Connected". COM PORT....................Tell ULTRALaunch what COM port your modem is using. PHONE NUMBER................Input the phone number ULTRALaunch should send to your modem. You can also press to access your personal Phone Book of Names/ Numbers. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ =WAD REPORT OPTIONS= ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ULTRALaunch can provide the user with a variety of reports about the status of installed .WAD files. These listings include: All WADS SPECIFIED GROUP SPECIFIED RATING SPECIFIED STRING PLAYED WADS UNPLAYED WADS MARKED FOR DELETION ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ͵ SELECTING A WAD TO PLAY ÆÍ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Move the cursor with the arrow keys and PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys to the wad you want to play. Hit the ENTER key to bring up a pre-play list of options. Here, you can select the different conditions you want and run the wad. When you finish playing the wad, you will be returned to ULTRALaunch and presented with a window showing how much time you spent playing the last wad. Hit any key to return to the main window. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ͵ QUITTING DOOM LAUNCH ÆÍ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Hit ALT-X to leave ULTRALaunch. Hit "Y" to leave or "N" to cancel and return to ULTRALaunch. If you hit "Y", any configuration changes you have made will be saved and you will returned to the command prompt. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ͵ SAMPLE BATCH FILES ÆÍ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ALL.IN/ALL.OUT - Sample IN/OUT Batch Files To Turn Off Caching Before Running DOOM(II), And Turn It Back On After Returning From DOOM(II). ALL.IN: @ECHO OFF SMARTDRV C- /Q ALL.OUT: @ECHO OFF SMARTDRV C+ /Q ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ͵ Trouble Shooting ÆÍ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Q: What happened to the saved games I had before I installed ULTRALaunch? A: They were zipped during installation and are available like any other saved games in UL. In order to offer you 6 saved games per wad, UL saves user games in individual zip files. When a wad is unzipped, its corresponding saved games are unzipped as well, making them available to you. This is why you MUST have PKZIP and PKUNZIP in a directory in your PATH. Q: Why won't UL find the wads I KNOW I just copied into my wad directory? A: First, make sure you copied the wads into the proper directory. With three games now supported by ID, there is a much greater chance of confusing wads and the games they go with. Did you place the wads in the right directory? Next, does the name of the .ZIP file match exactly the name of the wad file. For example, if the .zip file is called VICTIM.ZIP but the .wad file inside it is named VICTIM4.ZIP, you will have a problem. To avoid this problem, it is best to place the .WAD and .TXT file into the wad directory and let UL re-zip them. While you can often place what you download from on-line source right into the wad directory, you may encounter problems from time to time. Q: I know there was a TEXT file with the wad, but UL can't find it with ALT-V. A: First, the text file MUST have a .TXT extension. If it doesn't, UL will ignore it when it zippes the wad up. All other extensions should be renamed to .txt for UL to properly store it. Second, the TEXT file's name must match EXACTLY the name of the wad. For example, if the .wad file is called VICTIM4.WAD and the text file is called VICTIM.TXT, UL will ignore it when it stores the wad. It is best to spend a little time in the beginning to make sure both files match and determine where they belong before placing them in any wad directory. NOTE: UL only deals with .WAD and .TXT files. Anything else that comes inside the downloaded file is ignored, including .DIZ files and .BAT files. Wads that replace graphics and sounds outside of wad files can be handled in UL by creating appropriate .IN & .OUT batch files. Q: I hit [ENTER] on a wad and the game starts the loading sequence but hangs at some point before the game starts. What's wrong? A: While it could be several things, including a corrupt .wad file, the first thing to check is whether the wad you selected belongs to the game you want to play. With the release of Heretic, who has a level numbering system that matches DOOM I, we are starting to see understandable confusion about whether the wad should be played with DOOM I or Heretic. Take a second look at the Text file that came with the wad and make sure you placed it in the right database. A: What version of the .EXE are you using? DOOM(II) version 1.2 does not support a response file. You will need to turn that feature off when using DOOM 1.2 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ͵ Mailing List ÆÍ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ If you would like to be included on our InterNet mailing list, to receive the latest version of UL when it's released, send a message to the InterNet address shown on UL's closing screen. At present, the address below uses the PINE mailreader and not everyone has a mailreader that can recieve attachments sent through PINE. We regret that we can not satisfy everyone's particular mailreader needs. If you can't receive PINE attachments properly, please look for UL at any of the FTP sites listed below. FTP: ftp.cdrom.com ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ͵ Copyrights ÆÍ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ULTRALaunch, By Keith Cohen, is Copyright (C) 1994-95. PKZIP and PKUNZIP are trademarks of PKWARE, INC, and all licensee rights apply when using these programs. DOOM & DOOM II, by id Software, are Copyright (C) 1993-95. HERETIC, by Raven Software, is Copyright (C) 1994.