========================================================================== STARDEATH "A star is dead" v1.0 a PWAD by Derek Morton (73054,612 or mortman@delphi.com) ========================================================================== A huge Deathmatch play level with a few nasties added to spice things up a little bit. Vigorously tested for two man deathmatch play but should support four man play. Average two man deathmatch game lasts between 20-30 minutes when playing to ten frags. HINTS: ------ Starting Star lift: Starting about halfway between candelabra and Star lift, walk towards Star lift. Stopping Star lift: ??? Try experimenting by walking around the star's perimeter. Walking over certain sides of the pillars will also work. Monster Pit: Raise the pit with the 'eye' switch. Monsters cannot cross the blue 'monster barrier' but they can slip out the back. NOTE: Let the Baron live and watch him catch your opponent(s) when they least expect it. Automatic Door: Once the door closes it stays that way for 30 seconds. Teleporter lift: Lift to teleporter is activated by exiting the gray hallway with the red ceiling. Be quick about it! Enjoy.... p.s. Feel free to send your suggestions and/or comments but you can keep the criticisms to yourself. I'd appreciate receiving a saved four player deathmatch game. This PWAD would seem to be ideal for that.