1¾ After long months of editing and revising and playing......I finally finished the layout for my first sewer level.......... Players:1-4, DM Levels:E1m1 Skills:yes New graphics:no Music:not yet File size:about 283K Save?: no, but on Doom 1.6 Although there's lots of monsters in some areas, there are ways to get rid of them easily.....just have to figure it out. Some puzzles here and there, the level is also easier on one player then 2 player. This is just the first of 5 or 6 levels. Story.......... Once upon a time........you (and your buddy, if playing modem) are the only ones who made it inside the sewer entrence while the rest of the guys are behind and can't get in.....so its up to you to clean out the sewage and find a way to get you out. You will be going through different sewers, from water to sewage to getting through lava. (on this one, only the water part was complete.) Have fun! please give me comments, good, bad, or obscene. When playing 2 player, besure to be fair in equipments cause there's enough for both of ya. ( take it al for your self! >:) ) Thanks to DEU and BSP. Jayshould on Doom 1.6 Its kinda hard deu to lots of moAlthough there's lots of monsters in some areas, there are way€