1O Doom 1.2 PWAD file: RESCUE1.WAD Thomas Austin III Chapel Hill Call Sign: WIRENUT About the mission: I've just started programing my own missions and used the windows DOOMED editor I found on the ID Software BBS. I tried several different editors and this one is the most straight forward. (Since it is a beta version you really complain to much about the bugs in it.) Since I am not an artist I had trouble with the walls and textures... please don't be to hard on me for that! Just play the game and see how ya like it. I made this game to introduct a new way of thinking about mutliplayer games. They should not just start together but have that 'Rambo III' fill so that you just aren't clearing levels together but achieving an interactive goal that is set before you. This game is designed for four players... tried with two... seems to work! Thanks to the guys at ID Software for giving us such an increadable game, yes I'm talking about DOOM the game of all games. Please fill free to modify the RESCUE.WAD file. P.S. -Try playing DOOM with radio head sets with VOX it adds a whole new element to the game! When a member of your team gets cut off and call for help you hear the gun fire and screaming over the head set!! It's a rush!!! -Get them at Radio Shack for $59.95 for a five channel unit. That way if you go two on two you can still have radio intel between teams. Story so far: You have just completed the last mission of episode 1 and killed the Barons of Hell. You make your way out of the bloody battle field to a locked central control center. After running a sercurity bypass you find a surplus of food and medical supplies. While sowing two of your fingers back on, you here a general distress call (G.D.C.) alarm from a con panel. You track its location to a small wharehouse 3 kilometers southwest of of your position. The transmittion is weak and broken up but you make out what it says... "MAYDAY...MAYDAY...MAYDAY...MARS MARINES DELTA SQUAD*&^%^ IN SECTO#$%#$( ... REQUEST EMERG*&^^*$@ AND RESCUE! OVER!" Thank God! You're not alone! Quickly you put on a headset and reply finding out there status and get a update on the aliens. It seems that they are planning another big party and the wharehouse is being setup as another gateway to their world! They have just started so they are not as dugin as others. These marines were captured to be sacrificed to the Lords of the under world for forgiveness for failing their mission ... oh yea and being kicked in the ass by you!!! You learn that only a hand full of troops are left and time is of the essence. You must find you buddies before you and your johnson are the only to normal people left on the planet! You send a planetary distress call and warning message to aproach planet with caution... You pick up what amo you have left and start again but this time with a glimer of hope. *** Doom is a trade mark of ID Software. 4 7hRhhNh` 7H`,O w A`7e@#@`Me@# K$T` ̫L0gp茸g|`zh4 7zhh~h` 7`,N*,02ACCL[ ! # % O Q *,02AC  Arial sets with VOX it adds a whole new element to the game! When a member of your team gets cut off and call