MAV2C - A Deathmatch WAD (BETA TEST) by Tom Neff ================================================ Version of August 3, 1994 (E1M1 only) Please review this WIDE BETA TEST version and email your comments to: -------- This is the first level of what will be a two or three level mini episode based on ideas developed in MAVERICK.WAD, which everyone said was beautiful but too big and ammo-poor for two players. Instead of putting all the neat ideas into one big level, I am breaking them up by episode. E1M1 is the Arena, with some surrounding corridors and a central hide&seek a little like the one in E1M4 which seems popular. It should be usable under 1.2 through 1.5, any deathmatch rules, although the flow of play will be slightly different as usual. Actually there are a couple of HOM (Hall Of Mirrors) glitches caused by complex rooms that show up under 1.2, but just ignore them until registered 1.6 is released. The exit switch is in the Northeast, you press the Satyr switch (SW) on the Roundhouse to get to it. Pardon my cacodemon. :-) There are chainguns, shotguns, rockets, a plasma gun (hidden) and a chainsaw (hidden). The roundhouse has a blur sphere. On -altdeath you could reuse it... A few monsters to soften you up, or you can play without them. There is no nukage or crushers, but you can rocket yourself to death if you insist. I will probably segregate weapons by difficulty level in the final product, but for now they're all in there. There are a few "breaks" for people who get hunted by stronger players. But whoever knows the layout best will probably triumph... Versions B and C add new stuff per playtesting, especially AlanW. There is a big pit with balconies, an "arena" with galleries, more twisty places to misuse your rocket, and a bigger roundhouse with space to hide out in. -------- If you make a really cool LMP of this level I would like to see it! Let me know via email. -- Tom Neff