TITLE: GLADIATOR FILENAME: GLAD.ZIP Authors Name: Cary White AOL CaryW72377 Compuserve 74724,410 DESCRIPTION: This is a built from scratch level. It was created using DoomCAD 4.3 by Matt Tagliaferri. This is my first serious attempt. I appreciate any comments or feedback (good or bad) that you may have. It's not a huge file so it should run well on most all machines. There may be a few bugs here and there, but I think you will find it interesting. Storyline: You have been mysteriously transported to the coliseum of the demi-gods. You have been chosen to fight for the viewing pleasure of Satan and his minions. You are now a gladiator in this merciless bloodsport and the only way out is over the dead bodies of the other competitors. If you survive the competition, you must then ascend the heights of the coliseum and fight your way to the point of no return and make a leap of faith into the pit..... Credits: Id software (of course), Matt Tagliaferri and the other creators of DoomCAD, and my wife, Amy who has put up with me. Level Info: level e2m1 2-4 player support yes deathmatch yes skill levels yes new sounds no new graphics no Remember.... I cannot assume liability for what you might do to your computer while using this file and Id does not provide tech support for modified versions of doom. You have permission to use this file as you please for any purpose. Please include this text file in any distribution to other BBS's. For You First-timers.... to run this file type doom -file glad.wad