Command Centre by Stephan "Instinkt" Whelan Overview - You are a commando sent on a suicide mission into a command base of a rebel faction in your government. It is know that in the small complex there is an army of demons from hell being trained. Your job is to eradicate the centre of all life. Most of the doors are key locked and the keys are bound to be well hidden. There are guards all over the complex so be careful. Good Luck... Lt. Colonel Stephan "Instinkt" Whelan Background - This is my first level ever created and it took me about 5 hours to complete. It is very simple but there are a lot of monster and hidden rooms. I hope to be able to create some more levels that are larger and harder. I thought this level was reasonably hard for a frequent player of doom. I have NOT included any multiplayer aspects to this level because I think it is too small and has to many locked doors to allow for an enjoyable multiplayer game. Legal Bit - I reserve the right to this level and its design, blah, blah, blah You can distribute it so long as all the files are in the same condition as you recieved them. I hope you enjoy it to its maximum. Techie Support - If you really have any problems with this level then you can contact me on CompuServe E-Mail on 100333,3106 or via the Internet at Stephan.Whelan@wonder.dircon.CO.UK.Please remember that you need the REGISTERED version of doom to play this level. Donations - Funds are short at the moment and if you feel gratious enough to send a small donation of œ5 or $7 to me, it will inspire me to create other levels and possibly a whole episode! Please send any donations to: Stephan "Instinkt" Whelan 6 Edgeborough Way, Bromley, Kent. BR1 2UA ENGLAND Also if you have any ideas or suggestions for following levels you can E-Mail me or send it the above address, and I will also include your name in any credits for further levels. Thanx and Keep the demons down.... Stephan "Instinkt" Whelan