================================================================ Title: MEGADETH 2 (for Doom 2) Version 1.1 Author: Jaswant S. Hayre Location: Kent, UK E-Mail Address: CompuServe 100070,3233 Description: The ultimate DeathMatch level. MEGADETH 2 is based on MegaDeth 1 (V 2.4a) but does not incorporate the original version's LASER and MEGAVIOLENCE modes. This level is specifically designed for DEATHMATCH play. It comprises 4 zones: the ATRIUM (centre); JSH ZONE (East); ARENA (West); and the WARP ZONE (North). There are also two SECRET ROOMS. Each zone has its own theme, strategy and secrets. Note that the skill levels (1-5) also have a major effect on the strategies. Story: After defeating the Demons in Hell on Earth, you finally discover the truth of DOOM. The original invasion of the Phobos moonbase by the hordes from Hell was only possible because of a human traitor - an officer in the Space Marines like you. You have tracked him down after discovering his picture in the ARENA, and now one thought is foremost in your mind - to scatter his atoms to the depths of hell! Prepare for M E G A D E T H 2 . . . Gameplay: MEGADETH 2 is designed solely for deathmatches although all other modes are supported. It is a highly strategic level designed first and foremost for depth of gameplay. This level rewards the strategic player who takes the trouble to learn its secrets. ================================================================ * Play Information * Map #: MAP 23 Single Player: Yes - boooring Cooperative 2-4 Player: Yes - yawwwn Deathmatch 2-4 Player: Yesssssss - the ultimate deathmatch WAD! Difficulty Settings: Yes (1-5) 1) Lots of weapons + power-ups 2) As on level 1 3) Few weapons 4) Few weapons + extra monsters 5) NOT advised if you want to live! New Music: No New Sounds: Yes New Graphics: Yes * Instructions * To try out the level in single player mode, type "DOOM2 -FILE MEGADTH2.WAD" at the DOS prompt. Then start your game as normal. When you enter a level, type "IDCLEV23". You will be warped to the Atrium in MEGADETH 2. Alternatively, type "MEGADTH2" at the DOS prompt, to start at skill 4 with fast monsters. * Play Guide * This WAD should not be judged by playing it in single player or cooperative modes, but if you insist on playing it this way then try skill level 4. It is actually fairly easy to kill all the monsters even when using skill 4 and fast monsters. On Deathmatch, for an action oriented "kill everything that moves" game try skill level 1. For a more strategic game try skill level 3 (highly recommended). The WARP ZONE is not designed as a combat zone and is best used as a means of access to weapons and power-ups. The level is designed so that if you listen to the monsters and warp sounds you can judge where your opponent is. * Construction * PC used: Accelerated 486 DX2 66 Build Time: 100 hours Editors used: DoomEd The Real Thing, V 2.60 Beta 4 Deu, V 5.2 Deu2, V 1 DMAUD, V 1.1 Paint Shop Pro, V 1.01 DMGRAPH, V 1.1 Audiostation, V 1.04 Windat, V 1.64 Known Bugs: None Slowdown: None on development machine (full screen, high detail) * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels but must give credit. Anyone may distribute this PWAD, provided that NO charge of any type is made for it and the following files are included unaltered: -MEGADTH2.TXT: this file. -MEGADTH2.WAD: the PWAD file. -MEGADTH2.BAT: the batch file for starting up on skill 4 with fast monsters. * Disclaimer * I will not be held responsible for any damage done to your hardware, software, personal relationships or your state of mind by the use of any of these files. * Secrets * WARNING - reading the following may significantly enhance your enjoyment of this level :) ATRIUM: The ATRIUM has two lifts, operated by pushing one wall on each lift. It also has a secret warp which teleports to the top of a pillar sniper position. The small building has a fake front wall which is ideal for snipers. There are 2 hidden doors leading to the JSH ZONE, 2 hidden doors leading to the ARENA and one large hidden door leading to the WARP ZONE. One lift is an octagon located in the NE corner. Its NE wall is the switch. The other lift is a rectangle located in the SE corner. Its S wall is the switch. The warp leading to the top of the pillar (and the BFG9000) is located at the E end of the large block (facing the door to the WARP ZONE) at the North. The only way to enter the warp is to enter it by moving Southwards. (The approximate location of the warp is at the NE of the ATRIUM.) JSH ZONE: The JSH ZONE has 2 fake walls which are ideal for snipers and one hidden teleport (the end wall in the "S"). ARENA: The ARENA has many secrets. It has two lifts, operated by pushing 2 of the angled sides. It has a cyberdemon trapped by barrels (it is not a good idea to let a stray shot hit a barrel!), and a spider demon trapped with some of his buddies from hell (don't get too close). There are two exits (one to the Tower of Babel and the other to the Fortress of Mystery). There is also a fake wall with a sniper position and a secret tunnel leading from it. The switch in this area raises the Spider Demon and the warp platforms. Its generally not a good idea to use it. There are four marked warp platforms. The two lifts are located at the NE and SW corners of the ARENA. Each has two walls which act as switches. For the NE lift these are the angled NW and NE faces. For the SW lift these are the angled SW and SE faces. WARP ZONE: The WARP ZONE has a central area packed with weapons, ammunition, medikits and power-ups. To get to it you must follow the path created by the barrels. The monsters are deaf here and will not bother you so long as you don't start the fight! Also, a stray bullet will destroy the barrel path and you will keep warping if you try to reach the goodies. Some warp points take you out of the WARP ZONE itself. Two hidden warp points (South & East) provide access to the two secret rooms. As players were finding it frustrating trying to navigate the path after the barrels were destroyed, I have provided a faint visual path on the floor which can be used as a guide. The entrance to the path is on the East side of the WARP ZONE. The faint path is most visible with low levels of gamma correction. However, before resorting to this, players can follow the temporary energy cell path. There is also a short-cut route. The warp leading to SECRET ROOM 1 is located mid-way in the South of the WARP ZONE. It is the SW line of the faint upside down V in the South. Access it by moving North or NW. The warp leading to SECRET ROOM 2 is located mid-way in the East of the WARP ZONE. It is located to the West of the soldier on the pole. Access it by moving just South of the soldier and then moving West (about 300 degrees). SECRET ROOM 1: SECRET ROOM 1 is full of weapons and ammunition. The floor is made of lava and inflicts a small amount of damage (this prevents players hiding here). The warp exit leads to three different locations. SECRET ROOM 2: SECRET ROOM 2 is full of body armour and power-ups. This room is radioactive and inflicts a small amount damage (this prevents players hiding here). The warp exit leads to three different locations. ================================================================ Additional Credits to: The programmers at ID for DOOM. The programmers of the various editors used. Ari Koivisto whose zzone.wad was used as the basis for the ATRIUM. Hoss for the reddot files. ================================================================ MEGADETH 2 has been extensively play tested and should contain no bugs. If you do find a bug, let me know so I can fix it. A lot of effort has gone into MEGADETH 2 and I would greatly appreciate it if people let me know what they think - good or bad. * Remember - your feedback is greatly appreciated * ============================END=================================