ɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻ ÉÍͺºÍͺºÍͺºÍͺºÍͺºÍͺºÍͺºÍͺºÍͺºÍͺºÍͺºÍͺºÍͺºÍͺºÍͺº» ȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼ Title : King of the Fort "KING.WAD" Author : Robert Carlson aka "JET" creator of JET.WAD Email Address : 74633,1276@compuserve.com Additional Credits : Colin Reed for BSP. Ben Morris for Doom Construction Kit (the old one for Doom 1), the entire plan was made with DCK, DEU2 was only used to convert from Doom 1.666 to Doom 2 ?Adler? for DEU2 (A Very Unwieldy Pgm in my opinion) Steven McRoberts, for a FEW ideas. My Wife, Jan, for her PATIENCE. YOU, for your interest. And, of course, the creators of DOOM Description : King of the Fort is designed for multiplayer DEATHMATCH. There are no monsters. The purpose is obvious, be the one to occupy the Castle and try to keep everyone else out! ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1 Single Player : Cooperative 2-4 Player : Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : New Sounds : New Graphics : Demos Replaced : * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. Build Time : 3 Days (day and night, 24 hours) Editors/Utilities used : DCK, BSP, deu Known Bugs : HOM on 1 side of castle. Probably due to long wall lengths. Who knows? who cares? I do Unknown Bugs : That's what you get when you use free software. E-mail me, I will be coming out with a final version at a later date. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * 1. Compuserve: Modem Games Forum. 2. Free BBS's around the world.