================================================================ Title : DMCROSS.WAD Author : Brad Hughes Email Address : jellenb@gate.net (net mail will be forwarded) Misc. Author Info : Doom Addict Description : large sized wad that keeps you looking over your shoulder, you have enough ammo - barely This wad it tough on UV but the other levels are easy.... ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1M1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build Time : 50 hours Editor(s) used : DEU (what else?) Known Bugs : none I know of... * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. But do not claim you created this level. If you create a new level based on this one, please credit the original author. You may do whatever you want with this file. The author will not accept any responsibility for problems caused with it.