Vortex.wad Replaces e2m1-e2m3 Welp, this is my first attempt at creating a wad file for DOOM. As I tinker with the different editors and utilities, I feel I am progressivly getting better at this (You'll notice a big difference in overall level quality and coherency between e2m1 and e2m3). I hope you enjoy these floors and I welcome feedback, complaints and bug reports. Now for my shameless plug: Making Doom levels takes one hell of a long time. These three floors are the fruits of a month's hard labors and frustrations. I'd like to make more, but being a full time student with a full time job, time is short. If people out there don't like my level style, then I'm wasting my time making these things, so if you like my stuff and want more, I am asking a $5.00 donation :) Your donation will sorta be like a vote for me to make more. For the $5.00 donation, I'll send you another 3 levels when they are completed. Just include your name, address and what things you'd like to see in future levels (I'm always open to good, original suggestions). And if you really can't afford the money, then just drop me a line about what you think. Thanx and happy Dooming! Send donations, bitching and comments to Mutt 718 Kansa Ave Junction City, KS 66441 I can also be reached at The Pipeline BBS: 913-537-1175,,,5858 Just leave mail to Mutt.