***************************** DOOM WAD FILE ***************************** Title: Scream Blood Filename: scream.wad Author: Derek Peterson Email Address: fedorov@tiecomp.sol.net Misc. Author Info: First True Level Made by Myself. Description: Go around killing everything insight, you must battle imps, sergants, soldiers, Barons from Hell, the Robo Dudes, and last but not least, Spider Demon! (Look for Two Secret Rooms! These are good if you're playing Deathmatch and you need to hide on your enemy.) Additional Credits to: Jeff Young for giving me Doom Editor - The Real Thing, and to all the people That made Doom Editor - The Real Thing, easy and simple to use. Episode and Level: E1M1 Single Player: Yes Coperative 2-4 Player: Haven't Tested Deathmatch 2-4 Player: Haven't Tested Difficulty: Not Implemented New Sounds: No New Graphics: No New Music: No Demos Replaced: None Base: New Level from scratch Build Time: About 5 hours Editors: Doom Editor - The Real Thing Known Bugs: The Last Level Switch is kinda messed up. You still will be able to tell where it is. *Copyright / Permission* You may distribute these files to anyone as long as you don't alter this file, and take credit for this .Wad, and you make distribute the ORIGINAL .wad file along with this ORIGINAL unaltered .txt file. You make your own .wad file off my .wad, as long as I get credit for the original. Why would you want to say you wrote this .wad file, when it sucks? Go out and make your own. Have Fun and Scream Murder. If anyone out there tries to play it with Deathmatch and/or Coperative, let me know how it works. Leave me a msg at my internet address above. Derek Peterson fedorov@tiecomp.sol.net