11/13/95 (updated 2/8/96) ================================================================ Title : Nostromo's Run for DOOM ][ Filename : NOSTROMO.WAD Author : Rich Johnston (aka Nostromo aka Fritz Goot) caretaker of The Hidden Pub BBS and PUBnet E-mail Address : nostromo@sonic.net Additional Credits : Jeff Rabenhorst for his wonderful EdMap program Ron Rossbach for the node builder Jens Hykkelbjerg for that real fancy Reject builder All my play testers including Daht L. Ooeul, Mavrik, Groove (my playing partner) and many on the Internet whose names are too many to list. THANX!! and...of course...ID Description : Nostromo's Run takes place in an isolated station aboard some alien planet. The base was used for fighter training and mutant entertainment and features a large arena. Humans were being brought to this pleasure ground for the mutants amusement. As a specially skilled warrior, your assignment is as follows: You will be teleported into the cellar of the main complex. You (and any you wish to have join you) are to clean out the complex of all mutants. Our intelligence sources state that the area is literally infested with all kinds of cretins so your mission will be a tough one. Ultimately, you should make your way to the arena; a large open area of which no human has escaped. Our sources also say that getting to the arena is no easy task. The base includes a large maze that can be quite confusing with shifting floors. But, I know that with your special training, you can hack it. Nostromo's Run took me a year to complete and it's my first wad. I put a lot of heart and soul into it as I tend to get involved in other projects and it may be my only wad. Thanks for checking it out and I hope you like it. Feedback greatly appreciated ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Map 01 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (designed for it but never got feedback - has specially set-up teleportors to allow killed partners to pick up the weapons needed and get back to his buddy quickly) Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No - far too big with too many limited access areas. Difficulty Settings : All (Bet you can't get through "Ultra-Violent" without dying at least once. It's very winable but you have to spot the tricks) New Sounds : No New Graphics : No Demos Replaced : No * Construction * Base : Made from Scratch Build Time : A full year!! Editor(s) used : EdMap 1.31 exclusively Known Bugs : Haven't found any. Let me know if you do. * Copyright / Permissions * You have my full permission to distribute this wad as long as this text file accompanies it. You may incorporate any ideas and/or sections of the wad into your own designs as long as you mention that I had a part it in. Due to its size (over 300k), it may run sluggish on some machines. My suggestion...upgrade. I run it on a 66mhz and it cooks just fine. If you have any suggestions on improvements, let me know. I'd certainly be willing to consider a future version. * Where to get this WAD * E-mail nostromo@sonic.net It also has been seen on various pages and ftp sites although I personally have not uploaded it to them. You have permission to include it in any site that you have.