Walkthrough -- Necromania! ULTRA VIOLENCE ONLY MAP01 -- arachnophobia Immediatly starting out the level there will be a demon right to your left (or player one in multi-player). Kill the sargeant for the shotgun. There is a box of shells behind one of the square pillars in the corner of the room. After killing everyone in the room, exit through the door into an L-shaped room. See right to your left, a steel wall texture? Later on (I will say when), it will lower revealing a room containing the yellow key, a chaingun, and a backpack. Clean out the L-shaped room (It has a column in it) and go through the other door. There will be a hallway-type room with an imp or two, troopers, sarg- eants, caco(s) and lost souls. After this room is cleaned out, you can go up the metal lift that will be on your right at the far end of the room. Make sure to kill all three sargeants at the top of the lift before going up unless you want a couple of blasts in the face. Once up, go straight forward past the stairs and then turn left 90 degrees. Grab the medikit if you need it, then go up the stairs you saw. Grab the mega-armor and then kill the three imps that appear. There is another door in this section that is keyed to the yellow keycard. Remember this door later when you need to exit the level! Going back down the lift to the hallyway-looking room you will see a switch off to your right. Throwing it will result in lowering a lift beside it. Kill the sarg. at the top! Ride it to the top and throw the switch at the top of the lift, right of the steel door. This will lower three walls down in the hallyway shaped room, opening up three rooms. Go back down the lift, and the first new place that opened up will contain a Double-Barreled shotgun and a horde of shells. Go back up the switch-lift in the hallway room. Open steel door at top, kill trooper, go forwads, turn left, kill sarge around next corner. Go through the next steel door you see. It will lead into a room with a caco, which leads into another hallway with: A megasphere, a caco, and a chaingun. Unless you know how to slip in and out without triggering the linedef(a document all in itself), when grabbing the megasphere a silver column will lower in front of you for 30 seconds. **This was made to reduce megaspehre dependency in deathmatches. In coop/single it sucks, but there is nothing I can do about it! Get back to the long hallway room. There are three new rooms open, we've been in the one with the supershotgun. So, find the one that leads to a wooden area. DO NOT enter the marble hallway (opposing the wooden one) at this point. Anyway, go through the wooden section, killing all lost souls troopers, sarges, etc. Pick up the ammo boxes. (You will have to have gone through a door to get to the caco,lost souls and ammo). There will be a doorway leading into a very large slime-looking room with a hole in one end of the floor. As soon as you enter, clean it out (I suggest taking out the pain elemental first!) and then go straight across to the skulls on the wall, click, and viola, 3 radiation suits. Jump down into the slime tunnel. In the slime tunnel, if there is a turn or fork, ALWAYS stay to the far right. This will lead you to the red key. Once the red key is procured, back up, and at the very last fork before you took to get to the red key, go left to a small concrete landing, and you will be teleported back to the hallway. NOW, you may go into the marble hallway (should be on your right now) Kill the sargeants, and walk to the end. The wall should lower, revealing a WHOLE bunch of enemies, including arachnotrons, and, in cooperative, a spider- demon (Hence the level name). After using your personal favorite technique to clean out the room, you will see a red keyed door. Open it and it reveals a U shaped room, turned sideways. Kill all spectres. Throw all the switches in the room. _______ / ___*| | *|____ \___ _*| The asterisks indicate the three switches. The door is at the southern end. Leave, and return to the second room of the level (The L shaped room), the one with that "important" steel wall. It opened to reveal the yellow key along with some other goodies. Grab the yellow key, and go up the steel lift in the long hallway and return to the yellow-keyed door up at the top. Kill baron, go through door behind him. Go down hallway, open exit door, enter. Immediately upon entering the room turn left, and throw the switch, and it will end the level. There are 2 other switches in this end room that don't do anything, and I just never got around to removing them. DEATHMATCH HINTS: In the big outdoors room there is a stash of rockets and a launcher behind the offcolored green section on the only blank wall out there. If you click on the far wall where the yellow key is stored it will open up a hallway to the plasma rifle, immediately behind you. In the very first room, you may lower the large center section to reveal an invulerability sphere. Also useful against spiderdemon in cooperative.