There are many files on this CD-ROM which contain obscenities, one or two nude pictures in the graphics patches, a couple of pretty foul sound patches, and in general, very politically incorrect material. If you are one of those people who felt that the Lion King was an awful movie because the animals seemed to resemble stereotypes of ethnic or racial origin, I suggest that you use considerable prudence using this CD-ROM. Doom is not a politically correct game. It's designed to illustrate a facet of war. War is not politically correct. My wife and I have not bought any toy guns for my two year old son. Nevertheless, he uses sticks, duplos, and his fingers to convey shooting a gun quite effectively with accompanying sound effects involving lots of spitting. From that observation, I must conclude that our nature must have some sort of competitive innate drive for this behaviour. Doom is a fantastically designed shoot-em-up style game my son has watched me play for many hours. After playing the game, and for that matter, cowboys and indians and all the other politically incorrect games when I was a youth, I have no urge to join the NRA, buy an assault rifle, or kill anybody. It's just a game folks.