Messaqe to Denise/Joseph- August 13, 2002
Joyce Lang
Aug 17, 2002

Most Recent Message
From Our Heavenly Mother
To Her Faithful Children of the World

Via Joseph DellaPuca and Denise Curtin

The worldwide message for all of my faithful children of the world:

O my dearest little children of the world, in the desert buds of new life and salvation are sprouting. Let your hearts be a mirror of your souls, reflecting the Divine Love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In these End Times, my children must walk the way to Calvary carrying their crosses to eternal life. Humanity today refuses to acknowledge my Motherly callings, rejecting our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (long pause) whose requests are conversion of heart, prayers and penance. In these final hours my faithful remnant must walk along the road of good, being the light in a darkened world.

Pray, pray, pray, my beloved ones, that the Holy Spirit will open the hearts and souls of my children in order to complete in their time the Divine Will of our Heavenly Father. All of Heaven knows the Divine Plan of our Heavenly Father, and even the moment of the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart, which is very, very, very near. (long pause)

The times in which you are now living are very, very, very serious in which I, your Heavenly Mother, will hold my children’s hands walking along the road of Faith, Trust and Obedience. I am the Virgin Mother whose Immaculate Heart will become the refuge of protection for all of my faithful children against the contamination of sin and impurities of my adversary. In the world today the river of light is divided between good and evil. My adversary causes much confusion, doubt and violence. Do not be frightened, my dearest little children; the Divine Love from the Sacred Heart of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the Immaculate Heart of your Heavenly Mother shall comfort you in your times of suffering. I love you, my dearest little children. I love you, my dearest little children. I will always love you, my dearest little children.

My Motherly words are a spring of Divine Waters opening the hearts and souls of my faithful children to receive and understand the Divine Word of God.

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Fax and Voice Mail Answering Service: (203) 459-9341

Two Hearts As One, P.O. Box 545, Southington, CT 06489.

Send any correspondence to the above P.O. Box.

If you would like a Healing Rose Petal from our Heavenly Mother’s Consecrated Rose Garden, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to the address above.

Cenacle held every Sunday from 2:00 – 4:00 P.M. Get directions off the web address.

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