This Year's Love Review

from Total Film Magazine, April 1999
by Tom Dawson

Romantic comedy, UK, 1998

Director - David Kane
Distributor - Entertainment
Starring - Kathy Burke, Jennifer Ehle, Douglas Henshall, Ian Hart, Catherine McCromack, Dougray Scott, Emily Woof
Running Time - 108 mins

What's the story?
Tattoo artist Danny (Henshall) and fiancee Hannah (McCormack) get married, but not for long: 30 minutes into the reception Danny discovers Hannah's infidelity with the best man and they go their separate ways. Danny hooks up with pub singer Marey (Burke), while Hannah moves in with artist Cameron (Scott), whose own flatmate Liam (Hart) starts going out with New Age single mum Sophie (Ehle).

The directorial debut from David Kane is one of the most enjoyable of the recent spate of British rom-coms (although the likes of If Only don't exactly offer the stiffest competition). This Year's Love is a bittersweet examination of the difficulties of relationships during the late '90s, incorporating laughter and pathos, joy and heartbreak, at times feeling like a hipper version of a Mike Leigh film.

The humour here relies on a mixture of narrative coincidences, comic events (a tattoo performed on amphetamines, drinking a flaming sambuca) and some pointed one-liners ("You were stone- washed jeans so you don't have an opinion," declares the acerbic Sophie to a hapless Liam).

Having created a group of believable late-twentysomething characters, Kane is rewarded with excellent performances from a talented young British cast. The actors grasp the confusions, contradictions and muddle emotions which dominate their roles. Particularly impressive are Henshall, who combines easy-going charm with a powerful sense of longing, and a dreadlocked Ehle, whose Rodean-educated Sophie masks her troubled past behind a veneer of bossy self-confidence. Kathy Burke is also terrific as the self-aware Marey ("I'm a fat bird who's expected to be funny"), who possesses incredible dignity and resilience.

Admittedly, some of the soundtrack choices (such as Get It On accompanying a frantic sex scene) lack imagination, and there's nothing remarkable about the visual style. But Kane makes effective use of his colourful Camden Town locations, successfully juggles his various storylines over the film's three year period, and (thankfully) avoids a simplistic resolution.

Final Verdict
An impressive debut for director David Kane, a sort of British Singles, with Camden Town replacing Seattle. Plausible characterizations, spirited performances and a successful blend of humour and sadness elevate this above your average British rom-com.

3 stars

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