This Year's Love

by Michèle Maheux

This Year's Love is a thoroughly delightful and accomplished debut feature. With tremendous wit and insight, director David Kane takes us into the heart of Camden Town in North London to tell the story of six young adults unlucky in love. Without glossing over the grittier details of the lovers' motivations, the film takes a frank and refreshing look at a transitional period in his characters' lives, a time when free spirits are destined to collide with the domestically inclined. Kane draws incredible performances from his cast, who bring a poignant comedic touch to a wonderfully angst-ridden romance.

First we meet Hannah (Catherine McCormack) and Danny (Douglas Henshall), a Scottish couple who have about 30 minutes of marital bliss before disaster strikes. Danny finds out from a concerned friend at the reception that Hannah has been involved in an illicit affair with her husband. So much for marriage - and back to the trials of single life. No longer honeymoon-bound, Danny offers his plane ticket to Marey (Kathy Burke) and ends up in bed with her. Hannah meets a similar fate with Cameron (Dougray Scott) after a drunken excursion at a bar.

While these two are off carousing, we meet our next couple sitting in a café. Sophie (Jennifer Ehle), a funky single mom, comes on to the earnest, comic-book geek Liam (Ian Hart). It turns out that Liam is Cameron's flatmate, and soon we are witness to much mingling, partner-swapping, and the giddy joy of lust-induced liaisons. What is most striking about these characters is their unfailing optimism and belief that true love exists and is worth pursuing. Their attempts at relationships are achingly genuine, and the results are sometimes comical, but always credible.

The most impressive feature of This Year's Love is the degree to which we come to know and empathize with our six protagonists. Their heart-felt performances underlie every moment of tension, passion and disillusionment in the film. Camden Town provides the perfect backdrop for this eclectic, meandering bunch in Kane's engaging exploration of sexual politics, squeamishly close calls... and maybe even happiness.

Associated with European Film Promotion, an initiative supported by the European Union's MEDIA Programme.

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