This Year's Love Review

from Flicks, March 1999
by Marianne Gray

"And the winner of most romantic place of 1999 is... Camden Town?"

Camden Town is the star and the bulk of the Best of British make up the support cast in this contemporary romantic comedy about a group of early thirtysomethings/late twentysomethings in their quest for love, lust, life and survival as they'd like to know it.

Danny (Douglas Henshall) is an above-average tattoo artist briefly in an unlikely marriage with Hannah (Catherine McCormack) who does something in trendy fashions. Cameron (Dougray Scott) is yer proverbial dishy artist who hunts his quarry through the lonely hearts columns, but defies gravity by falling for pub musician and airport cleaner Marey (Kathy Burke). Meanwhile rich rebel without a cause Sophie (Jennifer Ehle) hits on an obsessively shy nobody, Liam (Ian Hart). But then Hannah meets Alice (Emily Woof), can guess the rest.

It does indulge in some shameless navel-gazing, but it also manages to touch quite a few nerves, mostly courtesy of Ms Burke. It's not Four Weddings and a Funeral but as a traditional comedy-of-errors yarn, it's a lot of fun.

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