This Year's Love Daily Mail Article

from Daily Mail, 1/21/99

by Baz Bamigboye

Jennifer Ehle has been successfully cast against type in a romantic comedy set in London's Camden Town. For some, she will always and for ever be Elizabeth Bennet in TV's Pride & Prejudice. That is all very nice, but typecasting is about ther worst thing that can happen to an actor. In This Year's Love, Ms Ehle is the complete antithesis of her usual elegant screen persona. She sports dreadlocks, has a drink and substance abuse problem, uses foul language and has an eye for the men. Its one of the best examples of a woman who is over the edge but doesn't know it. Ian Hart, Dougray Scott and Douglas Henshall are the men in her life. Kathy Burke and Catherine McCormack also share them in this funny yet poignant film. I hae seen an early version, which I hope will be trimmed somewhat before it opens on Feb 19th."

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