The Big Play

The Real Thing

Jennifer Ehle

Jennifer Ehle

from the London Times, 1/15/00

by Benedict Nightingale

Most critics adored David Leveaux's revival of Stoppard's play about love, commitment and politics when it was staged at the Donmar last May, so its reappearance is welcome. Stephen Dillane is still bringing his rueful charisma to the role of a dramatist, alongside Jennifer Ehle (above) as the charming, but wayward, actress he eventually marries. The play has all the wit and intellectual sparkle you expect from Stoppard, but its main interest is that, for the first time, he fully acknowledges the pull of the heart and the glands. Its conclusion would appear to be that love is not merely a game or a weapon to be used in the sex war, it is "mess, pain, self- abasement, loss of self- respect, nakedness". This is subtly argued but, more importantly, powerfully shown in a tale that embraces adultery, betrayal and a hard-won happiness - and, let me add, plenty of classy fun.

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