Proud Darcy loses heroine to the Highlands

by Toby McDonald
from Scotland on Sunday, December 2, 2001
Leading lady: Jennifer Ehle, best known for her role in Pride and Prejudice opposite Colin Firth as Mr Darcy, celebrated her marriage to Michael Ryan in Portree�s Three Chimneys.

Jennifer Ehle

From the Hollywood hills to the Highlands - it seems stars of the silver screen cannot stop flocking to Scotland to get married.

While Ashley Judd prepares to marry Scottish racing driver Dario Franchitti in Easter Ross, and Madonna and Guy Ritchie consider celebrating their first wedding anniversary at Skibo Castle, actress Jennifer Ehle has tied the knot in a secret ceremony on the Isle of Skye.

Ehle, who rose to fame after playing feisty Elizabeth Bennett in the BBC costume drama Pride and Prejudice, married American writer Michael Ryan at Portree registrar�s office and then celebrated at the five-star Three Chimneys restaurant.

Yesterday she was said to be on honeymoon after the "beautiful day" which was attended by family and friends including American actress Julianna Marguiles, better known as ER�s Nurse Hathaway. Shirley Spear, head chef and co-owner of the award-winning Three Chimneys, said: "It was a very small private dinner party, that was all. They got married in Portree at the main registry office, but it was a beautiful day and was a beautiful moonlight evening.

"It was just a quiet small wedding with close friends and they came and had dinner with us in the evening. There were seven in the party and they arrived quite early. It was an intimate friendly affair.

"It was the absolute opposite of a Madonna wedding or Catherine Zeta Jones. It wasn�t showbizzy or glitzy at all."

She said that the wedding party drank champagne and ate canap�s in the bar before sitting down to a four-course meal which included langoustines from Loch Dunvegan, scallops and Skye salmon, and for dessert chocolate mousse cake and hot marmalade pudding.

Ehle and Marguiles became friends after they appeared with Glenn Close in Paradise Road, a movie about women held in a Japanese prisoner of war camp, four years ago.

Ehle, who was born in North Carolina but raised in Britain by her writer parents, recently won a Tony Award for Best Actress in a Play for her role in Tom Stoppard�s The Real Thing. Her most recent project was the Broadway play Design For Living with Scots actor Alan Cumming.

The 34-year-old, who is now based in Los Angeles, has also recently finished filming AS Byatt�s Possession with Gwyneth Paltrow.

News of Ehle�s Scottish wedding followed confirmation that Ashley Judd and Dario Franchitti are to tie the knot at historic Croick Church, Glencalvie on Hogmanay.

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