Rising movie stars show off their talent

from Dallas Morning News
by Philip Muntch

Time was when the adjective "macho" generally referred to the male of the species. Time was when second-generation talent was viewed with suspicion. And time was when the simple phrase "movie newcomer'' carried the connotation of perky cuteness. In case you haven't noticed, times have changed. The 2000 crop of newcomers is a mix of type, origin and attitude. They have only one thing in common � talent. Among those with that magic common denominator:

Jennifer Ehle � This lovely, Meryl Streep-like actress was first cheered in television's Pride and Prejudice and on film as Oscar Wilde's wife in Wilde. But this year she won the Tony for The Real Thing and won raves on screen in Sunshine. She and her mother, the evergreen Rosemary Harris, played the same character as a young and old woman. Ms. Ehle is that rare mixture, classical yet accessible.

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