Transcript of Jennifer Ehle and Rosemary Harris' Interviews on CNN's Showbiz Today

Transcript of Jennifer Ehle and Rosemary Harris' Interviews on CNN's Showbiz Today

This aired on May 31, 2000.

Laurin Sydney: There are no complaints at the Harris household. Broadway veteran Rosemary Harris and her daughter, Jennifer, are doing just fine. The two are not only competing in the same category for a Tony award this weekend, they're also costarring in a brand new movie. Cynthia Tournquist has more on this talented duo.

(They show a clip of Rosemary Harris from Sunshine)

Voice Over: Like mother, like daughter.

(They show a clip of Jennifer Ehle from Sunshine)

VO: In the movie Sunshine, Jennifer Ehle plays Valerie, while her real-life mom, Rosemary Harris, plays the older version of Ehle's character.

Rosemary Harris: I really was riding in on her coat-tails, 'cause if she hadn't been cast as Valerie, they wouldn't have asked me.

VO: Hardly. Harris is a veteran stage actress who recently appeared on Broadway in Waiting in the Wings.

(They show a clip of Rosemary Harris in Waiting in the Wings)

VO: Daughter Jennifer was 14 years old when she decided to follow in her mother's footsteps, and the two have been sharing acting secrets ever since.

Jennifer Ehle: I think it's one of the privileges of being the daughter of such an extraordinary actress and woman.

VO: Not that Ehle doesn't have a few secrets to pass on to Mom.

RH: I've always been a little bit shy of the camera. When I started, I was happy to do the scenes, but I always wanted the camera to be looking the other way. (she laughs) And I've learnt a lot from Jennifer.

VO: Not only do mother and daughter appear in the same film, as luck would have it, Ehle is performing on Broadway in a revival of Tom Stoppard's The Real Thing.

(They show a clip of Jennifer Ehle in The Real Thing)

JE: We ran into each other on the street, just coming out of two delis before our matinees, and that was first moment when I really just - 'cause it wasn't sort of dressed up at some do, it was just like, 'Hey, Mum! Hey, we're working on the same street!'

VO: And talk about coincidence. Both mother and daughter have been nominated for Tony awards for stage roles - in the same category.

RH: I will be happier if she wins of course, but neither of us feel the crystal slipper is going to fit us. We've decided we're going to go to the ball as the ugly sisters and have a wonderful time. (she laughs)

VO: A wonderful time on stage and on film.

(One last clip of Jennifer Ehle writing a letter in Sunshine)

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