It Brit

from Entertainment Weekly

June 30/July 7, 2000

This is part of an article called the It List - The 100 Most Creative People in Entertainment. Jennifer is in the stage section.

Click on the thumbnail for the full picture. Photo by Barron Claiborne

Age: 30
Why Her?: Best known in the U.S. for playing Elizabeth Bennet in A&E's Pride and Prejudice, Ehle was genuinely stunning in Tom Stoppard's The Real Thing - which won her a Tony against formidable competition (like her mom, stage legend Rosemary Harris).
Work Ritual: Diet Coke and a shower.
Worst Career Moment: In a production of Crimes of the Heart, "I walked on stage with my skirt tucked in my knickers, and just felt this draft. It was like a big signpost: This is a comedy."
Dream Collaborator: Meryl Streep. "Me and every other actress in Equity. She should just do a mass crowd scene, put us all in it, and make us happy."
Dream Project: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
Influential Movie: "Xanadu - I just wanted pastel leg warmers and roller skates."
Next: She's currently on screen with Ralph Fiennes in Sunshine.

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