Bedrooms and Hallways Review

from She Magazine, May 1999

This funny, steamy, romantic comedy attempts to do for a bunch of confused 30-something London pals what This Life did for 20-something laywers. Leo (Trainspotting's Kevin McKidd) is single and just can't get his love life together, despite help from gay flatmate Darren (Tom Hollander), himself engrossed in a sex-crazed affiar. Leo thinks joining a mad, middle-class men's group (run by Simon Callow and Harriet Walter) will help, but winds up fancying fellow member Brendan (James Purefoy), the hunky boyfriend of his first sweetheart (Jennifer Ehle). All three meet and end up having a relationship crisis. Directed by Go Fish's Rose Troche, Bedrooms & Hallways vergers on the far-fetched - but a strong cast and cheeky charm make up for it.

4 out of 5 stars

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