Bedrooms and Hallways Review


April, 1999

by Anwar Brett

Bedrooms And Hallways

Rose Troche
Kevin McKidd, Hugo Weaving, Jennifer Ehle

If love in the '90s is a battlefield here are the troops, ready, willing but still unable to totally face up to war between - and in seem cases among - the sexes.

Offering a slice of modern love that is only slightly exaggerated away from reality, Bedrooms & Hallways tells of one young gay man's complicated existence, that grows ever more complicated as he approaches a landmark birthday.

Leo (McKidd) is about to turn 30, and is beginning to question his life like never before. He is gay, of course, but doesn't flaunt it like his outrageous flatmate Darren (a nicely over the top performance from Hollander). He seems to want something, but doesn't quite know what.

Dragged along to a hilarious touchy-feely mens' group he meets Brendan (Purefoy), whose brooding good looks set his heart (and much else) a-flutter. Brendan is flattered by the compliment, and responds in an unexpected way. But even worse than wishing for the unreachable is getting it, as Leo's love life takes a turn for the impossibly complicated.

Passionate attractions are the life blood of Rose Troche's richly populated film. Not all of the characters may be well rounded, but at least those that are merely 'types' are entertaining types.

There is also a distinct lack of the po-faced and depressing qualities that dragged down other recent Brit-com efforts, like the stilted Don't Go Breaking My Heart, and the depressing This Year's Love. And it is certainly unhampered by the baggage of expectation that besets the forthcoming Notting Hill. The fun here comes in all shapes, sizes and sexual preferences, in a breezily enjoyable tale with a couple of cheerfully engineered sub-plots.

One, featuring Hollander and his randy estate agent lover, will leave anyone whose house is for sale open mouthed, just as the movie itself should restore a smile to the face of even the most jaded audience.

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