This Page was last updated on:
Thursday, October 16, 2003
07:07 AM
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The Creation
There are many different Programming Languages out there and it is my experience to have been most happy to find this nearly forgotten one called GFABasic.

It has perhaps the best integrated development environment I have ever seen, bouts 3.7megs of variable space, allows you to create variables on the fly like true BASIC, and permits up to 37,000 lines of sourcecode for a single program !

If you are new to writing programs or are a veteran, you owe it to yourself to look at and experience this once-in-a-lifetime masterpiece of a programming language.

Multiple features include:

Color-coding and command specific for your source based on entries, usage, and position !

Near-instant compilation and execution for rapid debugging and testplay !

Smart variable memory, records new variables with CaPs just as you enter them + option to change !

Save your source as ASCII or native *.GFW format !

3.7 megabytes of true GLOBAL variable space !

Up to and exceeding 37,000 lines of source code can be entered for a single program !

Write music/audio playing routines in as little as 3 lines of code !

True create variables on the fly like any good BASIC !

Small size compilations. Most programs compile to less than 20k !

Small size of actual operating system. GFABASIC itself is only 500k .exe !

Windows 3.1 compatible. GFABASIC, after all was designed originally for Windows 3.1 !

Open any type or size of window in a single line of code !

Unlike other software of 2003, there are no nags, no crippleware, and no locked features !


Now that you've had a chance to see what GFABASIC can do, click to nab your own copy, complete with instructions, and sample Crystal Waves program to play with !


Program Description Author
Backup Breaker Remove old *.BAK and *.TMP files from your hard-drive !
Magic Cookie Cutter Cut out cookies from the picture. Give to Angel !

You are more than welcome to add your own programs as well !
to submit your own programs, include them as a binary attachment !

I'll include more of my sourcecodes when there are more submissions from others ..

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