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Over the past 15 years I've found hundreds of completely unknown 45s by often unknown artists.
Now it's time to give these weird sounds the credit they deserved.
It's amazing; just LOOK WHAT I HAVE FOUND in thrift stores, second hand markets and sometimes even IN THE TRASH CAN.
Thanks to CD  I was able to save these unusual tunes on 45 rpm 7" records. It's obvious that these 45s have been played a lot, so surface noice is almost obligatory. No hi-tek cd quality, but just back to the times where no one had ever heard of digital recording studios.
All the songs on these compilations are from the original 45 rpm records released prior to 1980 when CD took over the world of warm vinyl sounds. I've tried to exclude any song that's been compiled before, but as I don't own each and every compilation album ever made, there might be some songs that you already own on another compilation album. Look, listen and enjoy...
TITLE: Look What I Have Found vol 23
LABEL: In The Trash Can Records
Subtitle: Femme Fatale - 16 femmes comme B. B.

There are hundreds cover versions of "Brigitte Bardot", but these 4 are somehow special and inbetween you get 7 other French girls singing about love and boys and girls naturellement. Two couldn't leave their boyfriends at home. For more french recordings, check out
vols 4, 24 , 37 and 41. Allons-y...
1. brigitte bardot - digno garcia y sus carios
(Palette PB40.087 from 1961)
Brigitte Bardot was a superstar and in Europe even more popular than Marilyn Monroe. BB against MM; who�s the winner? This is a Belgian release and with a great drawn sleeve.
2. deux gar�ons pour une fille - arlette zola
(DiscAZ EP1116  from 1967)
A very typical French tune : poppy with a certain flair, a saxophone and a rare fuzz guitar. Mademoiselle Zola released more 45s but this 45 still remains one of her best efforts. �Two boys for every girl� while The Beach Boys were singing about �Two girls for every boy�
3. les petits mots d'amour - ariane & les dix vingt
(Palette PB40.221 from 1965)
A Belgian band that was born out of Les Croquenotes who did a very special version of � Fever �. It�s a fast dancing tune
4. quand l'amour est � deux pas - annie philippe
(Riviera 231.156 from 1966)
Wow! Great sexy ye-ye chanson from France. Not only she was one of the most beautiful chanteuses in 1966, but her voice still is one of the finest I�ve ever heard.
5. oh! ne dis pas - jean pierre & nathalie
(Festival DDN 4801
A sensual duet, but no ballad! � Oh ne dis pas que tu m�aimes,� � or �Don�t tell me you love me, using words that aren�t yours�. I don�t know the story behind this couple and I even don�t know if they released more 45s. This one however is too good to be forgotten
6. on m'a toujours dit - annie philippe
(Riviera 231.156 from 1966)
Is this the best song Annie Philippe has ever recorded? Most likely. And I�m still surprised that this hasn�t been discovered before.
7. maman ne r�pond pas - les b3
(Polydor 27 133
The French version of "Mamma let the phonebell ring". If you count the ye-ye�s in this song, you�ll understand why this is a typical ye-ye tune. Not much is known about this girl trio with a swirling organ.
8. brigitte bardot - roberto seto & ses rumberos
(Vogue EPL.7876 from 1961)
And this is a French release, the native country of BB � Et dieu cr�a la femme �. The entire 45 is an excellent collection of lurid Latin tunes.
9. brigitte bardot - jorge veiga
(Barclay 62132 from 1961)
A third release from 1961 about Mme Vadim.
10. je ne suis plus une enfant - arlette zola
(DiscAZ EP1116 from 1967)
The best song from this 45 however is �Mathematiques modernes� which already reappeared on several other compilations. This one is a little bit slower than �Deux garcons pour une fille�. It�s a song about a girl growing up �I�m not a kid anymore�.
11. je lis dans tes yeux - danielle denin
(Philips 437 188 BE from 1966)
Or �I�m looking through you�, yes, this is the French version of the not so well known Beatles song. And this EP contains another Lennon-McCartney tune: �Michel� (or �Michelle�). The two other songs were written by the band leader Paul Piot.
12. tu ne comprends rien aux filles - annie philippe
(Barclay 231.156 from 1966)
Imagine Jacques Dutronc�s backing band playing with this girl and you get the picture. It�s a song about a boy who doesn�t really know anything about what�s going on in a young woman�s mind.
13. �a va je t'aime - les b3
(Polydor 27 133
A great French version of "Hip Huggers" from the same EP which includes another cover �Maman ne r�pond pas�. I suppose this is a release from around 1966.
14. le marin et la sirene - arlette zola
(DiscAZ EP1116 from 1967)
Almost three minutes about a mermaid falling in love with a seaman. Does she know Hans Christian Andersen? Because with songs like these she can�t be related to famous writer Emile Zola.
15. marilyn - serge & christine ghisoland
(Vogue VB 158
In 1972 they performed for the Eurovision song contest but not with this psychedelic late 60s tune with a psyched out organ and fuzz guitar and a super crazy rhythm. My guess is that this was recorded around 1969. Forget about the flipside: it�s the B-side that�s groovy! �A la surprise partie chez Marilyn on danse le rhythm & blues on boit du gin�.
16. brigitte bardot - sylma moreno
And also a female version because BB was a role model for many a young lady. I�m not sure about the year of release, but it must be an early 60s release as well. And it�s one of the grooviest I know.
vol23#01 vol23#09
vol23#02 vol23#10
vol23#03 vol23#11
vol23#04 vol23#12
vol23#05 vol23#13
vol23#06 vol23#14
vol23#07 vol23#15
vol23#08 vol23#16
I just found out that "Je lis dans tes yeux" already appeared on a comp.
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