RIP- Rip is a softball loving dude. His abilities are average, but he can be an excellent hitter with runners on base Clark Kaentarski- Clark has top defence, offence, and running abilities. He can be an excellent hitter with runners on base. 1=batting average 6=running 2=tricky pitching Gene Bodeen- Suited as a catcher, Gene is a real power hitter. So he might come in handy towards the end of the batting lineup. If he gets a hold of one, he'll hit it into the next country. Good arm while it lasts. 1=long range hitting 10=arm strength Alan Thinne - Although his real occupation is something completely different, Alan loves softball. His abilities are good - he can be a very useful player. Casey Roguefort- Casey is the worst hitter on the roster, but he's a great defensive player. 2=running 4=arm strength 9=defence Doug Magilicutty - Doug has average offensive and defensive capabilities, but he comes in very handy at the cliff field. Lots of stamina for the beach or the dunes. Doesn't like curves, but he still has pretty good hitting power. The other one of the famous "Magilicutty Brothers". 9=stamina Jimmy Jansen- Jimmy's excellent batting abilities and his magnificent speed on foot can give him the potential to be the team leader. He's a tireless runner and fielder. Always gets the wood on the fast ball. 3=batting average 4=running Sid Savage= An excellend defensive player, Sid is a versatile player who would be excellent playing third base and batting second. He covers a lot of ground and always gets the jump on the ball. 4=defence Leon Little= Leon is an excellent clean-up hitter. He can be the pilar of the team. He's got power and agility, but loses his courage when the ball breaks towards him at the plate. 10=long range Jose Hamsando- Jose is an excellent defensive player, so you can use him to firm up your defence when you have the lead. He's fast and has a good arm. Can't hit it far though, if he hits it at all. Harry Lewis- Harry is well suited to be a pitcher but also comes in very handy as a pinch hitter. He never gets tired. One of the famous "Lewis Brothers". 4=stamina Johnny Belraski- Johnny can be an excellent power hitter. He also makes an excellent catcher because he has a strong throwing arm. Very good tackler too. 2=long range hit 7=arm strength 8=stamina Froggy McFarland- This guy runs funny out in the field but he's a pretty good hitter. He's the army, air force, and marines all rolled into one. He can chase in on the ground, in the air, or on the water. He can't hit the big one though. Arnie Schwarz- Shomehow, Arnie is best suited as a pitcher. He's also an above average hitter and defensive player. People say he closely resembles the "Lewis Brothers". Joey Springer- A player with balanced abilities, Joey has excellent jumping power that might come in handy on the field. He's small and cat-like quick, fearless; but except for jumping, he's not very strong. 9=tricky pitch Kirk Shirkster- He's probably the most average player you can get. No major weaknesses with this guy. Bruno - Bruno is a good pinch hitter, but he can also be a pretty good catcher. His tackling power is enormous. He's happy and reliable, except when he sees the pitch breaking in. Mikey Montrose- Mikey's throwing arm is terrifyingly strong. Good glove, good arm and he can hit the ball long. Although his constant errors make him an unreliable player, he can definitely be worth having on your team. 7=running 1=arm strength Slash- Slash is a little weird but he can get the job done. He can be very important player to have on the cliff field. 5=defence Babe Blutarski- Babe has first rate pitching abilities. You might want to use him as a starting pitcher. He has a great arm. Not a shabby hitter either. Even if he can't handle a fast ball. 5=arm strength 6=tricky pitch Ronnie Ray- Since he thrives on popularity, Ronnie does very well where there are audiences. That means he'll be a great player on the Professional Field. Big Al Santos- Big Al is a good pinch hitter. Because he has excellent tackling power, you might want to use him as a pinch runner. Stand him up there against a lefty. Claude Baker- He's got a pretty good hitting arm, but he's slow on his feet. He can also hit a fast ball pretty good, but he is SLOW 7=batting average Sparky Nackledrag- Sparky has a strong arm and can come in handy as a utility player. The only problem is, this guy makes a lot of errors. He can throw, he can hit, he can climb, but he can't field to save his life. 2=arm strength 5=stamina 8=tricky pitch Brian Brayen- He's much better at the Shufflepuck, but his talents can be applied in softball, he can be an excellent player. Not a bad bat, as bats go. 3=defence Bela Lombardi- An excellent all around player, Bela has terrific defensive and offensive playing abilities. This guy can also get airborne after dark. He can hit almost anything. 8=batting average 4=tricky pitching Tony Larue- Tony is an average player, however he plays best on the park field. It's hard to get much by him, and he doesn't mind going for a swim. 2=defence Artie Jensen- The hits that he can get with his pickax can be spectacular. You can depend on him to be an important hitter in any lineup. His bat may look funny, but it works. 7=long range Mike O'Malley - Mike has high-level hitting and throwing abilities, and he can be counted on when you're in a bind. He's a tireless fast ball hitter. 10=stamina Glenn Bigham- A player with good hitting ability and fast feet. Glenn would be a terrific lead-off hitter. He's a mean defensive player too. He'll hit most anything till he tires out. 2=batting average Sunny Buddinski- He's not very good at offensive play but Sunny can be extraordinary as a pinch hitter. He likes to hit fast balls for homers. He's a little slow, but doesn't mind getting wet. Ross Davis- Ross is an all-around powerhourse. He's especially handy on the sandlot and the cliff fields. He scratches 'em out, sprays em around, runs em down. Your basic tireless hustler. He covers so much ground that they say "Water covers two-thirds of the earth and Ross Davis covers the rest". 5=batting average 7=stamina 6=defence Rock Bunson- Although he's not very agile, you can count on Rock to hit the ball out of the park. His awsome face can be a menacing force. Not a bad fielder when he's awake. Slow and strong. 3=long range Boris Badasov- Although he really doesn't have any outstanding qualities, Boris's penetrating stare and tackling power can be devastating. He's got the bases covered. Louis Johnson- This guy is so fast he ought to be in the Olympics, although he's a pretty incompetent batter. Since he's very fast on his feet, he can be excellent at getting bunts. This guy is tireless (for a few innings, anyway). 1=running Flip- One of the country's leading pitchers, Flip draws on his expertise in bodybuilding. His unique pitching style can make a fool out of the batter. 2=stamina 3=tricky pitch Matt Benson- When you're fielding, don't take this player lightly; he may be able to get a great hit off you if you don't concentrate on your pitching. Josh Bagosh- His pitching arm is excellent- very good at throwing tricky pitches. He's a pretty fast runner, too. He's nimble and never tires. Not a bad bet against a curve ball pitcher, either. 1=stamina 5=tricky Binky LeFleur- He's fun to watch because of this unique runing style. Also, since he's quick on his feet, Binky makes an ideal outfielder. 3=running Rodney Holmes- He's excellent at making people laugh, but his play leaves something to be desired. Most people laugh at that too. He's a so-so batter. Not afraid of a smashing curve ball, but we're talking SLOW. Peter LaDeude- Peter can throw tricky pitches. You can also use him as a pinch hitter. You gotta blow it by him though, he's not easily fooled. 9=arm strength 1=tricky pitching Lance Boyle- Lance's exciting batting style is right on the mark - that's his strong suit. This guy is a major power hitter. He's not a shabby pitcher either. 8=long range Dizzy McFly- Dizzy has practically no hitting ability, but since he can really fly, he comes in handy to stop those tall homers. He tires easily, though. 5=running 8=defence Zelda- Zelda uses her broom as a bat. Her batting ability is very strongly tied to her chance and luck, but that bat is wicked and effective. Larry Lewis- Larry's excellent batting ability makes him a great clean-up hitter. This guy loves to hit - as long as it's a fast ball. He's not a bad defensive player either. Doesn't mind getting his feet wet. The other one of the famous "Lewis Brothers". 9=long range Stan Bananzana- Stan is fast on his feet, and can climb fences too. These abilities make him an ideal outfielder. In addition, he's a pretty reliable hitter. 4=batting average 9=running 7=defence Diablo Jones- Diablo's metal bat gives him phenomenal hitting power. Perfect as a catcher and a clean-up hitter, he'll hit them hard and long, but don't ask him to field. 5=long range 6=batting average Biff Whiffster- He can be a little slow on his feet, but Biff's training has given him outstanting strength. He can be an excellent hitter at the right moment. 6=arm strength 7=tricky pitch Davy D.- Davy D. is a top flight offensive and defensive player. You might want to use him as a relief player. He's quick and strong and will jump all over those lefties, but a righty should know how to tire him. 6=long range Slick Slickster- Although he's still in elementary school, Slick is an oustanding defensive player. As a matter of fact, he's my choice for the #1 defensive player. He can be a very effective hitter too. 1=defence Chuck Silver- He's ok but he could be worse. Chuck is pretty lame during the afternoon but come night fall, he can be a terror. Woody Pecos- Woody has average abilities. He's a bit of a showboat. He's usually hottest playing in front of an audience. He can get pretty good wood on a curve ball off those right handed pitchers. He's hot in the grass. Mudcat McDonagh- Mudcat thrives on the cheers of the crowd. He'll do very well in the Professional Stadium. In addition, Mudcat is pretty good on the other fields too. Fast Eddie B.- Eddie is a short range hitter during the day but becomes a power hitter at night. A real nightlife kinda guy. He's a good fielder, too. All in all a valuable player. 9=batting average Rocky Ricardo- His flashy tornado-like pitching windup is worth seeing in action. Since he's also an excellent hitter, you might want to have him pitch and bat cleanup. 3=arm strength Gary Magilcutty- Gary is a well-balanced player, but he can also be an excellent pitcher because of his soft pitching style. He's small and quick and likes to play on grass fields. A reliable sort of guy. One of the famous "Magicutty Brothers". Ace Mcface- A balanced player who's good at both defensive and offensive play. Ace would be perfect player to have at the park field. He has a great arm but can't field very well. Hits the ball long if he hits it at all. Doesn't mind getting his feet wet. Don Swanson- Don can cover a lot of wet ground without getting tires. He's also an extraordinary pitcher. He likes to bat against his own kind. Rumor has it that Don is going to retire in Miami after the series. 6=stamina Cap Kooshky- Cap likes the night much better then the day. So he only plays fair during the day. But watch out - he's an All-Star at night! When he's batting, he likes to catch those lefties throwing curve balls. Slow pitch controls- UP + A= short flat pitch Down + A = Long flat pitch Up + B = Short high pitch Up + A = Long high pitch Stamina- josh flip froggy harry sparky don ross johnny doug mike Defense- slick tony brian sid slash ross stan dizzy casey fuji tricky pitch- peter clark flip bela josh babe biff sparky joey rodney long hits- gene johnny rock fuji diablo davy d artie lance larry leon running- louis casey binky jimmy dizzy clark mikey glenn stan jose batting clark glenn jimmy stan ross diablo claude bela eddie b fuji arm mikey sparky rocky casey babe biff johnny jose peter gene pinch hitter, runner, pitcher only once per game 1sandlot- smallest, uneven grass and rocks, homerun line and wall 2park- little larger then sandlot, homerun line, sandtraps and ponds 5island- second largest, fence no homerun line (foul caught is a foul not an out) 6 professional - real softball field and the biggest, no homerun line 3cliff- third smallest with uneven grass and sand, no homerun line, cliff wall left and cliff edge fence right 4school- break window out, homerun line Special abilities- Jumping and diving power Ability to dodge tags (some players can always dodge a tag) increase power at night (batting power and aim) fly at night increase power at professional stadium (batting) move freely on grass (uneven grass) move freely in water (if they can't they won't be able to enter the water) move freely in sand traps (sandy areas) tackling power (sliding into base or running sometimes knock players over and drop ball) float - fly over obsticles climb fences- can only climb straight up the fence switch hit- pause then press side to bat then left or right then unpause