(Not So) Stupid Java Questions

This page is a collection of links to the (Not So) Stupid Java Questions series. This series features a set of questions that cover a wide variety of Java-related topics. The questions are typically posted with the beginning words, "This may be a stupid question, but ..." The links here are to these questions with answers from a variety of web users. I started this page because I was not aware of any other single page that acted as an index for these questions and answers. However, such a page does now exist here.

(Not So) Stupid Questions

  1. Static Methods (12/30/2003)
  2. String Equality (04/07/2004)
  3. Private Access (12/17/2004)
  4. Assigning Packages (05/05/2005)
  5. When should I implement an interface, over inheriting from a parent class? (10/03/2005)
  6. How can you justify Dimension java.awt.Component.getMinimumSize() when Dimension does not implement Comparable<Dimension>? (11/24/2005)
  7. There are some weird Java operators I don't understand. 01/17/2006)
  8. What's the deal with serialVersionUID? (03/09/2006)
  9. I'm attending my first JavaOne. What should I plan on? (05/02/2006)
  10. Other than bundling my classes, what good does a JAR do me? (06/15/2006)
  11. I have a question about a Java feature. Who do I ask? (08/01/2006)
  12. Can I use the 'Java' name in an open-source project? (08/10/2006)
  13. Why do constructors have to start with a call to super()? (09/26/2006)
  14. Why Do Pointless if Statements Even Compile? (10/24/2006)
  15. How Can A Constructor Be Private? (11/28/2006)
  16. What's the Difference Between Wildcard Generics and No Generics? (02/20/2007)
  17. Should Code be Clean or D.R.Y.? (07/12/2007)
  18. Reverse Access Modifiers (08/16/2007) [What do you do when you want to avoid any calls from inside your own methods to outside classes?]
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