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Persona Name: J'borrel
Gender: Male
Sexual preference: Homosexual
Persona Age: 31
Birthing date: M6, D17
Occupation and Rank: Greenrider
Persona Location: Dusk Forest WeyrHold
Owned By: Jamie

Physical Description: J'borrel isn't unusually tall, but he's definitely a healthy fellow, with broad shoulders and big, strong hands. His hair is dark red, with a natural waviness that would be more obvious if he didn't keep it cut so close, and he keeps his full beard neatly trimmed. His eyes are green, with long lashes that unfortunately aren't really dark enough to stand out. He dresses simply in plain trousers and tunics, and favors darker, more subdued colors and shades when he gives any thought to it at all. He would much rather be comfortable than pretty -- his friends and lovers often end up helping him choose gather-wear because they say he doesn't do enough with his looks.

Personality: J'borrel is the ever-suffering "nice guy". He's very easy-going -- he doesn't like to argue, rarely gets angry even when he has a right to, and would generally prefer to just let people walk all over him than make a fuss about anything. He does worry a lot about what people think of him, and it bothers him endlessly if he thinks that someone might have been offended by something he said or did. While he is quiet, he's not really all that shy -- rather, he enjoys being out amongst people and laughing and joking with friends, but he'll never be the life of the party.

Though he loves his life as a dragonrider, there are a few things about holder life that he's never really been able to shake. J'borrel loves Tyzamith as only a dragonrider can love his partner, of course, but he still clings to the idea of having a human companion, as well. He gets involved in relationships easily and tries to hang onto them if the other person seems at all interested in hanging around. Outside of mating flights, he has no problem with being faithful to whatever partner he's pledged himself to at the time. Unfortunately, his more submissive nature and need for companionship often end up getting him involved with the wrong sort of person. His partners are often men with problems who need someone to dominate or someone who will take their abusive behavior.

As a fighting dragonrider, at least, he is fairly stable and tends to be a cautious flier. His wingleader can count on him not to try any crazy stunts or take unneccesary risks.

Background: Jemborrel was born in the 7th Pass on a small farming cothold beholden to Cathay Hold. He was one of the middle children in a large family, and was always the quiet one, often overlooked in the shuffle. By the time he was sixteen, he was starting to be pressured to think about marriage (which he wasn't sure he felt ready for), but would have been perfectly happy to settle down and help his family on the cothold if he hadn't been unexpectedly Searched. At his first hatching, little green Tyzamith waddled right up to the bewildered lad and claimed him as her own. His family was of two minds on this -- proud to have a dragonrider in the family, but not so thrilled about this revelation about his sexuality. They were distant afterwards, but never outwardly rejected him.

Over the turns, J'borrel found himself in and out of relationships. There was no shortage of willing partners, but often a shortage of men who wanted to make long-term arrangements. Some of his relationships just plain didn't work out and things ended on a "let's be friends" note. Other times, though, he seemed to fall in with men who were unhealthily controlling or even verbally abusive. The last of these was with a bluerider named B'kelt, whom J'borrel was strongly attached to. B'kelt had been badly burned in a flaming accident and had taken to drinking to dull the pain. Even when his wounds had healed he seemed unable to kick the habit, and when drunk he often blamed his lover for all sorts of real and imagined slights, as alchoholics often do. He was often jealous, always wanting to know where J'borrel was going and what he was doing, and talked down to him all the time. J'borrel stayed with him out of genuine affection for him, but also out of a misguided sense of responsibility, and because Tyzamith was so attached to B'kelt's blue Neeroth.

After five turns, however, he struck up a friendship with a candidate -- a weyrbred lad named Jekomy whom he had known for a while but hadn't really associated with much before. They grew closer over the months that followed, with J'borrel being a sort of mentor to the young man in some ways and Jekomy becoming the strong yet understanding support that the older greenrider had been needing. It was Jekomy's reassurance and insistence that finally gave J'borrel the impetus he needed to end the relationship with B'kelt.

The later turns of the 7th Pass had been fairly easy, with fewer casualties than expected along with the usual smaller clutches in preparation for the Interval. The population of Pern was booming, too, and for once there were plenty of candidates for the eggs that were laid. It was decided finally to make 19 the upper age for candidacy in order to weed out some of the candidates that had been standing unsuccessfully for several turns, and to give the new dragons younger partners so that they would have hopefully have more turns with their partners during the Interval.

Jekomy was devastated that he would no longer be allowed to stand. The invitation from Dusk Forest was common knowledge in their time, and so he had the bright idea to travel back to the past WeyrHold in the hopes that his hatchling might be found there. He begged his friend to give him this chance and J'borrel, being the pushover that he is, agreed.

7th Pass
 Turn 20
   M6 D17 - Jemborrel born at Cathay Hold
 Turn 36
   M8 D2 - Searched for Southern Range Weyr
   M11 D10 - J'borrel Impresses green Tyzamith
 Turn 44
   M2 D23 - Weyrmates with bluerider B'kelt
 Turn 49
   M3 D22 - Befriends candidate Jekomy
   M13 D27 - Breakup with B'kelt
7th Interval
 Turn 1
   M2 D26 - J'borrel and Jekomy go /between/ times to Dusk Forest WeyrHold

How did your persona discover Dusk Forest? The existence of Dusk Forest WeyrHold became fairly common knowledge in J'borrel's place and time fairly quickly when a weyrling bearing an invitation for interested riders showed up at one of the northern Weyrs. His own Weyr was quite crowded and having to cut down on the numbers of unImpressed candidates, which effectively ended any possibility for his lover Jekomy to Impress in his own time. It was Jekomy's idea to time it back to Dusk Forest, and it was for his sake that J'borrel and Tyzamith chose to give it a try.

Dragon Name: Tyzamith
Age: 15
Riders age at Impression: 16
Color: Green

Dragon Description: Tyzamith was one of the smallest greens in her clutch in the 7th Pass, but she's built quite solidly for her size. Her hide is a bold, brilliant shade of grass green with very little variation in it. Her wingtips and neck ridges are darker, however, and she has a long, graceful neck and wings.

Tyzamith isn't as touchy as some greens, but she is bold and very much aware of what she wants. She has opinions about most everything and will share them with her rider whether he wants to know them or not. For a green, she's quite clever and sometimes amazes J'borrel with the things she understands and theories she comes up with. When she decides something needs to be done, she's apt to go on about it until it gets done. She doesn't always understand her rider, but she adores him and just knows that he's the best rider in all the world -- which is fitting, because she just knows that she's the very best green dragon in all the world, too.

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are copyright � Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2001, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. This website is copyright � Cara Yoder and the Dusk Forest Board 2004. All images are the property of their respected owners - Dusk Forest claims no ownership unless otherwise specified.
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