I enjoy writing almost as much as I enjoy teaching. Both endeavors have their downsides.

There is stress, frustration and a tiny voice that tells you it isn't working.

Yet, both writing and teaching can be satisfying.

July 5, 2000
Please return here for further updates.


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I've been writing for a few years, but my primary occupation is teaching.

Specifically I'm an English teacher.

I teach English as a Second Language in Indonesia.


What have I written?

My writing has run the gamut of interviews, feature pieces, reviews and a number of short stories.

The project nearest to my heart is the unfinished science-fiction novel that I've lived with, struggled with and nursed numerous wounds, real and imagined,with.

Ten years ago the story began.

A simple, and crudely drawn, comic idea. A young man endowed with strange powers finds himself transported to a future time. A derivative, silly and juvenile idea that was to lay untouched for two years. Two years passed and that comic was almost tossed into the waste bin, but a strange thing happened. The story began to write itself. The futuristic hero became a young scientist. The setting became the Second World War. And the future ....

Empire's End

Peter stood in the narrow doorway watching the men and women preparing. The people of the coven seemed no different from the young men he remembered preparing for another mission.
The work went quickly. Supplies were sorted and catalogued, then placed into containers and loaded into the small ships. Solar collecters were positioned to gather extra energy for takeoff. Weapons were checked by each team member, catalogued, then each crew member placed a single weapon above their flight chair.
Expressions had hardened during this activity. For all other aspects of the work, the group had been lighthearted. Now the seriousness of the mission intruded.
This wasn't another jaunt into Imperial space to test defences or to steal supplies, this was the survival of the coven. They all knew that capture meant death, not just for them but for the coven. They would have to kill to avoid capture, and die to avoid exposure.

I invite you to join a traveler on a quest through time and space and that distant corner of reality, the human soul.

Table of contents

An introduction to the author's children.

Adventures with the author, his family and their friends.

An introduction to the author.

An introduction to the author's wife.

An introduction to the author's writing.

Edgar Rice Burrough's Writer's Guidelines.

The Chronicles

An introduction to the author's novel.

A rationale for the novel.

An excuse for the novel.

The Top Ten reasons to read the novel.

An introduction to people who read, and survive the experience.

Living Through a Crisis

Should I Stay, or Should I Go?

A Husband's Perspective

WRITERS WANTED ... Your contributions are welcome.

This is an interesting site.
Contained herein you'll find anecdotal evidence of what a fun place Indonesia is. You'll also find a great link for Indo-info. Sign both guest books.



The movie
After some deliberations and some deep soul-searching I have decided …What the heck!

Here’s a link to the movie script. Caveat.

The Movie This is fiction. Although the underlying themes and feelings are based on real events this story,these characters, do not represent Indonesian society, Indonesian women,men or the strict chronological order of events.

In some aspects the story came out of my experiences in South Korea which predated my time in Indonesia.

Anyway,read it. Enjoy it. Comment on it. Let’s get a deal and produce it.


My Resume

We were in Changsha,the capital of Hunan Province

We were living in the city of Jinzhou.

Jinzhou is a small city in China's Liaoning province


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TEFL International in Indonesia

A little bit of bliss in Bali
No, I’m not trying for overt alliteration.

A friend has a villa for rent in Bali.
Bali is nice.
Lisa is nice.

Bali is bliss

Contact her.
It’ll be nice.

Coming to Indonesia ... visit here first.

Heroic Fantasy

Classic TV



[email protected]

(You can always spot the party animal in the crowd)

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Vantage Online

Living through a crisis: A husband's perspective


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