Author: Gokou_chan
Rating: PG-13 (Nothing is happening so far..... but starting to heat
Warnings: Get's a bit... annoying near the end...

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters,(wish I did but I don't) don't
sue, just wrote for fun, yadda, yadda, yadda, (I hate
these things) so enjoy the fic!! Don't forget to tell me what you


  "Goku!! You can't run away from your problems!" Al stated after
they had reached their destination.
  "Leave me alone!" Goku said as he walked over to a large rock and
buried his head in his arms.
  "Wow... Where are we? Al said, looking around the clearing. (They
are at Capsule Corp. ^.^)
  "Kakarott! What are you doing here?" A gruff voice demanded.
  "Who the heck is "Kakarott...?" Al muttered.
  "Ve-Vejita!" Goku looked up from the ground in surprise. "Wha-what
are you doing here?"
  "This is where I train fool!" He crossed his arms as he spoke.
  "Looks like someone has a serious attitude problem... " Al
Suddenly Vejita noticed Goku's tear streaked face. "What happened to
  "Chi Chi..." his voice trailed off and ended in a choked sob, he
then turned away in shame.  
  Vejita sat down next to Goku with an almost concerned expression on
his face, oblivious to Al, and contrary to his usual arrogance.
  "Well, what happened? Did you have a fight?" he snapped.
  "I... I guess... you could... say that." He didn't look up knowing
what he would see in Vejita's eyes.
  Vejita wisely didn't pressure him for an answer.
  "She... we're separating. She doesn't love me... she... never did."
he sobbed into his arms.
  "Did that bitch cheat on you?"
  'Leave it to Vejita to get directly to the point.' Goku thought
  "Is it that obvious?" He whispered.
  Al was watching them and decided that it looked like another live
soap opera. He pulled out his chair, beer and popcorn seemingly out
of nowhere and sat down, enjoying the show.
  They remained quiet for several minutes before Goku broke the
  "What do you want?"
  "Nothing, baka. I live here! It is my right to remain where I wish."
  "I suppose you already know who she was cheating with."
  Goku looked up at him in shock. "You don't know?" He asked
  "Who do you think I am, Kami?"
  "I don't think that you're ready to hear this." Goku mumbled.
  "You think that I'm weak?"
  "N.. no, but..."
  "Tell me now!" He growled.
  Goku mumbled so softly that Vejita didn't hear it even with his
Saiya-jin hearing.
  Vejita cuffed him on his head and scowled. "Can't you do anything
right Kakarott? I said tell me!"
  "BULMA!" Goku screamed.
  Vejita recoiled in shock.
  "What... What did you just say?" he stammered.
  "I said that Chi Chi has been cheating on me with Bulma!!"
  "That's not true," he said in denial.
  After throwing all of his popcorn through them, Al decided that it
was time for him to butt in again. "Excuse me, Goku, but I need to
talk with you. NOW."
  "Can't you just leave me alone?" Goku yelled.
  "I'm not going anywhere, Kakarott. Not until you tell me why you
think that Bulma is... doing... I need to know why!"
  "Because Chi Chi told me! Alright? What more do you need to know?"
Vejita could only stare at him in shock.
  "Goku! We have to find Sam or the space time continuum will
deteriorate!!! Do you get it???"
"YES!" He shouted. "I understand! I just can't take it anymore!
Everyone ordering me around like I'm a child! I'm NOT a child! Why
can't you see that??? Do I look like a child??"
Vejita was still in a state of shock after what Goku had told him. He
looked as if he hadn't just heard Goku's sudden outburst.
"That's it. I... I can't live like this!" He cried. He got up off
the rock where he was sitting and took a few steps forward. He turned
around and faced Vejita as he placed two fingers to his forehead, but
then dropped them limply as he noticed Vejita's expression. His face
saddened as he realized what he had just done to his friend. "I...
I'm sorry Vejita... But it wouldn't be right if you... if you didn't
know... " He then placed his hand on his forehead again, and
teleported to some unknown place.  Vejita looked up just as he
vanished and muttered, "Kakarott..."

  Goku knew what he had to do. He moved his hand over his heart and
slowly formed a Ki blast. "So this is it... This is how it... my...
life... ends... " he spoke softly to himself.    
  "Goku! What the hell do you think you're doing???" Someone screamed.
  "Huh?!?" Goku looked up to see Al standing in front of him. "Leave
me alone..." He said when he realized who he was.
  "Look Goku, I didn't want to do this, but... " He said, and then
punched in a few buttons.
Suddenly a extremely tall man wearing a red cape appeared in the
middle of the clearing. He had a red S on his chest and he was
wearing red boots over a skin tight blue suit. His short black hair
had a single curl in the middle of his forehead. His black eyes
glanced from Goku, to Al, then back to Goku. 
screamed in surprise.  
  "What the fuck... " Al gaped. ( O.o I'm so mean ^_^ )
The tall man suddenly stepped forward and said," I come in peace."
Goku apparently had forgotten about the Ki blast that he was making.
He gaped at the strange black haired man.  
Al fell over laughing. His minicomputer slipped from his hands as he
laughed. ( ^.^ )
  "My name is Superman, and I have no clue where I am." He spoke in a
surprisingly kind voice.
Goku was incapable of doing anything other than stare at him.
  'Superman' then turned to Al who was still laughing on the
ground. "Excuse me Sir, but where am I?"
Suddenly a slightly smaller man appeared in the clearing. He was also
wearing a cape, but his was black. He was wearing a weird black mask
that covered half of his head, and two bat ears stuck up on his head.
His eyes glowed white, even though it was nearing sunset. There was a
black marking on his chest that was shaped like a bat. he was also
wearing a skin tight suit, except his was gray and black instead of
blue and red. (Oh yes loyal, yet brainless fans!  {no offense..-_-0}
HE IS B-A-T-M-A-N! <------ O_O; )
screamed again as he fell down on the ground behind him.
The black caped man frowned as he slowly narrowed his eyes.
  "Batman." Superman said as he frowned as well.
Al started laughing even harder, as he rolled around on the ground.
Goku wasn't able to move. Vejita, of all people, had followed Goku's
ki and landed right in front of the oddly dressed men. His eyes
  "Who the fuck are they Kakarott??" He said, indicating 'Batman'
and 'Superman.'
Goku still couldn't move.
  "I believe the question is, who are you?" The Batman growled. <-----
-( O_o )
Superman just folded his arms and nodded.
  "I am the Prince of all Saiya-Jins you pitiful weak humans!!" He
This prompted Superman to say,"I'm not human!"
Vejita snorted. "Oh really? Then what exactly are you??"
  "Don't tell him! We don't know who he is!" The Batman growled. He
narrowed his glowing white eyes to a slit as he glared at Vejita, who
glared right back.
Superman ignored The Bat <---(LOL) and said, "I'm from the planet
Kripton. I protect Earth as best I can, though, since I grew up
Vejita threw his head back and laughed. "That's the biggest load of
shit I've ever heard!!!!" He said as he laughed again. 
Goku looked like he had just suffered a stroke. "Sa-sa-sup-super-ma-
man???" He finally managed to speak. 'What kind of name
is "Superman"??'
Everyone looked at him, waiting for him to say whatever he was going
to say.
   "Ve-Vejita??? How did you... what did... why are you here???" Goku
   "Why do you think I'm here idiot! I came here to stop you from
committing suicide!!" He exclaimed angrily.
   "You would do that for me... ?" Goku looked at him.
   "As I believe you Earthlings say, what are friends for?" Vejita's
expression softened slightly.
Batman gagged. "I think I'm gonna puke... " He muttered. Al just
laughed harder as tears came to his eyes. Superman smiled a little.
   Vejita turned back and sneered at Batman. All of a sudden, a young
man dressed in a skin tight black body suit, along with a seemingly
tall old man popped out of this air behind Batman and Superman. The
teenager's suit had two large pointed ears sticking out of it's head,
and a large red marking on his chest that looked almost exactly like
Batman's. The old man was holding a cane, and also sporting a
sophisticated black business suit. His white hair was thinning at the
top, though he didn't look bald. Yet. His cold, gray eyes shifted as
he glanced from Superman, to Goku, To Vejita, to Al [who's face was
turning red], to The Bat. The whites of his eyes, now yellow with age
<-----------( EEEEEWWW!! ), were bloodshot. After looking at The Bat
his eyes widened as he drew in a sharp breath, and clutched his
( Ok, ppl, ya know who THAT is? Its Terry Mugginess, ah no its
Miginis, no, its ah heck! He's Batman from Batman: Beyond!  BTW, how
do ya spell his last name? Anywayz the old man with him is, guess!
Bruce Wayne! Ok, HIS name I can spell! LOL@me! ^.^ -Usagi) 
   "Where are we... " The teenager thought out loud.
Goku gaped again. 'Who the heck are all of these people.. ?' He shook
his head, snapping him out of his trance like state. 'Why can't
everyone just leave me alone...' He groaned inwardly.
   "Who are you?" The old man demanded, much like The Bat.
   "Excuse me?? I'm the one asking the questions!!" Vejita stated as
he walked forward, snapped his cane, and poked the old man in the
chest. The old man mewed, "Oww?" and crumpled up into a heap of bones
and skin. (<---------- Falls over laughing ^.^ )
   "Look, ALL of you!! Who are you all and where do you come from??"
Goku asked raising his voice to be heard.
  A cold wind blew through the clearing as a tumbleweed blew by.
Crickets started chirping. Superman looked at his feet and remained
silent. The Bat shifted his feet sheepishly. Al picked himself up
from the ground and dusted his butt off. The young Batman look-alike
stared into space. The old man drooled stupidly and just stood there.
Vejita looked at all of them except Al. (He can see everyone but Al
{LOL} u.o)  Goku folded his arms, waiting for a response.
   "Oh, look at the time!" Superman exclaimed in a girlish manner,
looking at a nonexistent watch on his wrist. He started to run away,
but before he could blink an eye Vejita was standing in front of him.
   "Where do you think you're going?" Vejita sneered.
Superman rolled his eyes and quickly ran back to where he had been
standing, wondering how Vejita had gotten in front of him. 'He must
have some sort of time machine,' he thought.
Goku looked at them.
   "Ok, since you all are to embarrassed to start talking, lets start
with you." Goku frowned,  looking at the young man wearing the
strange black body suit.
   "Um... My name's Batman and-"
   "Excuse me!! I'M Batman!!!" The 'Bat' exclaimed angrily.
   "Shut up! I'm talking here!!!" The young man yelled.
   "Show some respect for your elders, boy!!!" The Bat growled.
   "Make me!" He taunted.
   "Ok I'll show you respect ya little punk!!" He nearly screamed.
   "STOP IT!!"  Goku yelled. "I just want to know your
They all looked at him like as if he had rabies and was foaming at
the mouth.
   "I'm sorry, but a super-hero NEVER, EVER tells ANYONE his or her
secret identity." The old man spoke calmly.
   "Yeah!" All of them chorused.
Goku eyebrows furrowed. He frowned, closing his eyes as he rubbed his
head. He was starting to get a headache.
   "Ok then, if I tell all of you my name, then will you tell me
yours???" He said, opening his eyes. 
  They formed a group huddle. Goku stared at them incredulously.
Vejita just gaped at them. Al ignored their childlike behavior and
focused his attention trying to find Ziggy.
Goku heard them muttering and once every few seconds one of them
would look up at him, and then get pulled back down by one of the
group members.
After what seemed like days, they finally stood up. The old man
stepped forward.
   "After consulting my fellow colleagues, we have come to a
decision. Our answer is no." 
Goku couldn't believe what he had just heard.
   "OKAY THEN, TELL ME YOUR SUPER-HERO NAMES!" He nearly screamed,
exasperated. 'They make me feel like torturing them! Huh? Wait a
minute! What am I thinking?'
The old man looked at him. "Alright. My name is Bruce Wayne. You can
call me Mr. Wayne."      (I think ya'll know who Bruce Wayne is, er,
I mean was!! I'll give ya a hint, its starts with a B!)
Superman spoke, "You can either call me Kal-el, or Superman."
   "My name is Batman, although I would prefer you addressing me
as, 'The Bat.' "
   "Hey, that's my name!" The young man yelled angrily.    
Goku rolled his eyes. He already knew those made up names. Didn't
they have first names?
   "No, it's my name!" yelled Batman.
Mr. Wayne ignored them as he polished his cane.
Superman gazed off into the distance, apparently bored. Vejita had
spaced out at their apparently foolish behavior.
   "Where's my computer?" Al yelled. "I had it a minute ago!"
   "Is that it?" Goku asked, pointing behind Al.
   "Um, yeah, thanks." He replied while reaching down and picking it
Mr. Wayne stopped polishing his cane that he seemed to have replaced
and stared at Goku. He wisely decided not to ask him who he was
talking to.
   "Excuse me young man, what's your name?"
   "Hmm. That sounds like a Japanese name." He mused.
   "Yeah, it is." Goku sounded annoyed.
  Meanwhile, 'The Bat' and the young man were arguing about who was
the real Batman, when 'The Bat' lunged for his rival's throat. 
(*snickers* Do you think I've put them through enough? No? Ok then...
~`^.^`~ )  They started rolling on the ground, trying to choke the
life out of each other, until they bumped into Vejita, knocking him
out of his trance like state. He growled and started chasing them.
They ran around the clearing with Vejita hot on their heels.
   "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" They screamed at the same time.
   "Get back here you little ingrates!! I'll teach you to mess with
   "THATS ENOUGH!" Mr. Wayne barked.
Surprisingly enough, Vejita stopped chasing them. 'The Bat' and his
young counterpart stopped running also. Goku sighed in
   "Ah ha!" Al yelled. "I though so! Their timelines have been
tampered with, sending them to this timeline!"
Goku turned around and glanced at Al. "So is there any way for you to
get them back to where ever they came from? PLEASE!?"
   "Yes!!! We press this, and this...and there ya go, get into the
portal!" Al said while punching in a few more buttons to his
computer. Right before Goku's eyes, he saw Superman, Batman, Mr.
Wayne, and the younger Batman get pulled through a glowing blue
   "Finally!" Goku thought in relief, a dazed expression on his face.
Now that they were gone, his depression returned and he contemplated
finishing what he had began to do.
Al smirked in triumph. "Ok now, Goku, you aren't thinking about
trying to kill yourself again, right?"

Goku ignored him.
  "Kakarott... "
  Goku hung his head, not wanting Vejita to mock him as he knew he
would but he answered anyway.
  "What?" he sighed.
  "I... don't do this! You.. you're... stronger than this!"
( *music starts playing* Hush just stop... Theres nuthin you can do
or say, baby... I've had enough, I'm not your property as from
today... You, might, think that I can't take it, but you're wrong!
Cuz now I'm stronger then yesterday, now its nuthin but my way, my
loneliness ain't killin me no more... I, I'm, stronger! Then I ever
thought that I could be... Baby... I used to go with the flow, didn't
really care, 'bout me... You, might, think that I won't make it.. But
your wrong! Cuz now I'm stronger then yesterday, now its nuthin but
my way, my loneliness ain't killing me no more, I, I'm stronger! *The
audience go wild, throwing roses an' everything at my feet! I wish!
Oopsies, I got carried away again! ^.^ Sorry pplz, I didn't mean to
put you through that torture of hearing me sing!* -Usagi)

  "Am I? I can't live like this, Vejita. I loved Chi Chi. And even
through all she did to me, I still love her a little." his voice
broke and he hissed,  "But she never loved me!"
  Al just looked at Ziggy and let the events play out.
  Goku started sobbing again. "I'm such a fool." 
  "Kakarott! Snap out of it!" Vejita spun Goku around to face him,
took him by the shoulders and shook him, his voice strained. "This
isn't like you!"  
  "And how would you know? The only reason you don't want me to die
is because then you wouldn't have someone to spar with, or someone to
surpass!   You don't need me. No one does..." he sobbed.

  Vejita was shocked at the change in Goku. What had happened to his
friend to make him act like this? 'It's that bitch's fault,'  he
thought grimly. He thought back to that morning. 'And I didn't help
either. What was I thinking? It was my damn pride. But what would
Kakarott have thought of me if I had told him and shown him what I
was holding? No. He would hate me, he would be disgusted at my
weakness. He would never want to be near me again. I'm the fool..'
  "Kakarott, listen. Pull yourself together, this is nothing to kill
yourself over! Stop crying damn you!"
  Goku's sobs tapered off but a sob wracked his body from time to
time. Vejita felt a little bit sorry for cursing at him, and he
muttered an apology. He was still shaken up about Bulma's betrayal
and he hadn't gotten complete control over his emotions yet.
  Goku couldn't stand it anymore and turned away from him, ashamed. 
He felt Vejita's hand fall hesitently on his shoulder.
Al watched them and after consulting Ziggy on the subject, he decided
that he had better not   disturb them. Since it was nearing supper,
Al took his cell phone out of his pocket and ordered  two extra large
pizzas with everything on them, and a two-liter bottle of coke. He
then set up his chair again and sat down, drinking what remained of
his beer, and emtying what was left of his stale popcorn. He then
pulled a CD-player out of somewhere and turned it on.
   "Every night in my dreams, I see you, I feel you, that is how I
know you, go on..." A woman sang in a clear voice.
  Goku could have sworn he heard music.
   "Near, far, wherever you are, I believe that, the heart does, go
on... Once more, you open the door, and you're here in my heart and,
my heart will go on and on... "    
  Goku came to the conclusion that he was either hallucinating, or Al
was playing that music. Why, he didn't know. He turned his head and
looked menacingly at Al who immediately turned the music off.
  Goku brought his head up and looked into Vejita's eyes.
Surprisingly what he saw was pain.
  "Vejita, I'm sorry."
  "No, Kakarott. It's better this way. At least I know now."
  What was this?  Goku almost gaped. Vejita never acted like this! He
was actually being nice! Well, he wasn't snapping at him. What was
happening to them?
  Vejita looked at Goku sadly. "I should have known better than to
try to love somebody. I knew that it would end like this."
  Vejita had never been this open. It was almost scary!
  "Vejita?" Goku said leaning over to him and grasping the hand that
he had on his shoulder.
  "Goku!" Al spoke up. "Ziggy is going crazy!! Something is going to
  "Al!!" Goku's attention snapped back to the annoying man.
  "Al?" Vejita asked. "Who is Al?"
  "He just showed up at my house eariler, and it seems that I'm the
only one who can see him." Goku replyed in annoyance, his emotions
playing with him.
  "A... a ghost?"
  "I don't think so.."
  "Goku!!!" Al yelled in an attempt to be heard. "Get into the
Capsule Corp!! Ziggy says you have to get the Z fighters together
within a half-hour or you're going to shift into another timeline!"

o.O~ you're just starting to hate me, are't ya? Well... To Be
Continued.... in part four!!!
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