Speech of the leader of Islamic Revolution

Speech of the leader of Islamic Revolution

Hazrat Ayatullah Syed Ali Khamenei.


We thanked God we have a very true & brave leader.

With the prayer that may God keep him safe till

the reappearence of Hazrat Imam-e-Zamana (A.S).

This is not message only for shias. I think every muslim

who will hear or read this speech will accept the truth.

One of my brother send this to me in Email

So I am Adding this beautiful speech of Rehber to my page for you people,

hope you will be impressed and think about the fact


(with thanks to from where he send text of this very important




Imam Khamene'i on US response to the New York and Washington explosions Full text of speech of Ayatollah al-Udham Sayyed Ali Hussaini Khamenei on US response to the New York and Washington explosions, delivered on September 26, 2001:

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

The Leader's speech started with the following remarks:

I welcome all the honorable members of the audience and the honorable

Families of the martyrs. On the occasion of the blessed month of Rajab I hope the

Almighty will grant His special kindness to pious hearts and the honorable

families of the dear martyrs.

These days and nights are very valuable. They are the blessed days of the

Almighty. The month of Rajab is a great opportunity for all pious hearts to

strengthen their ties with the Almighty. All human beings need this

spiritual communion because the forgetful heart will be targeted by the shaitan. When the shaitan takes over the mind and the spirit of a human being corruption in

the world will be spread.

The importance of piety and spirituality

The true and deep way to combat any form of evil and corruption in the

world is to be close to God and to immunize our heart and soul against the shaitan's

influence and rule. If shaitan had not ruled the hearts of some of the

people who originated major works in human societies, the world would have been

able to see peace, mankind would have been able to see security and safety.

All the miseries of mankind stem from being separated from God. Therefore,

In Islam there are opportunities to establish a special connection with God

Almighty. One such opportunity is the month of Rajab. We should value the

Month of Rajab. The prayers said in that month are all lessons. They are not

Merely tongue wagging.

Those prayers should be heartfelt and with an awareness of their deep

meaning. Let them run through your hearts and tongues. In the month of Rajab and

then the month of Sha'ban, a Muslim, young, old, woman or man should have clear and close relations with God in order to prepare themselves for the month of Ramadan. Then, the month of Ramadan becomes a divine feast.

We should prepare before enjoying that feast. "Cleanse yourself before you

Walk into the tavern" [part of an old Farsi poem]. That cleansing should be done

In the months of Rajab and Sha'ban so that one could arrive at the divine

feast of Ramadan and benefit from it.

If we manage to benefit from the month of Ramadan, then we can see progress

In our own behavior, manners, outlook and ideology. We become our own judges

and we would be able to recognize development. If we do not undergo such tests we

would feel the ensuing miseries and problems with all our existence and in the

atmosphere of society. We should take advantage of the month of Rajab.

On the importance of the martyrs and the armed forces

To you, the families of martyrs, in particular, the issue of martyrs and

martyrdom is one of the most outstanding issues in Islam. Our martyrs are

not people who have died in a war for hegemony. They are different from those

who have been killed in ordinary wars in many parts of the world, where they

have attacked the lands of others.

There is a difference between those and our martyrs. Our country was

invaded; our independence was attacked; the honor of this nation was attacked; they shouted abuse at us; all the big powers joined forces against us; the same

people in the world who talk so much about peace and security today, they

equipped one of the cruelest governments against us; they attacked our

home, our cities, our villages, our roads, our installations; they violated our

borders. If the armed forces had not stood strong and mobilized itself against the

enemy, if the Iranian nation, in the form of Basij, had not gone to sacrifice

themselves alongside the armed forces, do you know what would have become

of the country?

Do you know how the enemy would have trampled on the honor of this great

nation, the dignity of this great nation and the pride of this great nation? This

nation, all of us, owe our life to the combatants and the dear martyrs. The

martyrs were the ones who demonstrated greater bravery and boldness. They

didn't fear danger and they were martyred. Some flew to the heaven and others

turned into living-martyrs [the war disabled]. It is the blood of the martyrs, the

endeavor of the disabled and the effort of the combatants which brought

security and peace to our country.

Those who speak against the armed forces, who speaks against the Basij

Forces should understand that they are not serving the interests and the future of

The country. The armed forces, be they the organized armed forces or the

members of the Basij, who are prepared to enter into battle in order to defend all the people and the borders of the country, are among the most valuable groups

in our society. Everyone needs them and this will be realized at the time of

danger. In its cultural onslaught, the enemy tries to weaken and discredit the

resistance of our people, and, in reality, smash the people's resistance

and destroy their bastions. The most important bastion of a human being is his

bastion of faith, motivation and love. You should not allow these bastions

in your hearts to collapse and be destroyed by them.

Martyrdom, is a pleasant-smelling and scented flower which can only be

Reached and smelled by those chosen people and those chosen by God from amongst human beings.

The families of the martyrs should be proud of their martyrs. The ailed

spouses, the bereaved mothers and fathers and the children who have never seen their father have experienced these hardships, but now they should feel proud. It

was your fathers, husbands and children that were able to bring dignity to this

country, which today, thank God, is very precious. If it was not for them,

our situation would be different.

Some issues have been brought up in the world today under the influence of

The incidents which occurred in some of cities in America.

The wave of global propaganda and political moves continuously fan the

flames of bias propaganda reports. World media is controlled by a particular group.

World newspapers, radios and television stations are controlled by capitalists,

And the rich and powerful. They are not in the hands of ordinary people, or

intellectual, pious or wise people.

They disseminate whatever they like and whatever corresponds with their own

interests. They divert them into communication channels of radios,

televisions, news agencies and newspapers, and spread them throughout the world and some groups, unaware of what they are doing, take up those reports .

Unfortunately, some groups also help them while they do not benefit from what they are doing, but they help such waves of selfishness and arrogance.

During the past two or three weeks and since the explosions in America

Turned into global and international matters, our country's officials have adopted

Some good stances and mentioned some good points. At the same time, I would like

To mention a few points in order to inform our dear nation, which, God be

praised, is quite alert.

The first point is that the behavior and remarks of the American government

And officials concerning this incident were very arrogant and pretentious and

continue to be so. Their remarks do no tally with any kind of logic. Of

course, their dignity has been badly harmed, their security reputation has been

badly dented, but those are not adequate reasons for resorting to their arrogant

image in order to compensate for their humiliation.

They put on a very angry face to tell the people of the world that: O'

people of the world, we are angry and you do not dare say anything which would

contradict what we are saying. No one should dare say anything different from what

they are saying. They think that, through such methods, they can sideline

independent people, nations and governments.

An example of what they say is that whoever is not with us is with the

terrorists. That is very wrong. No, that is not the case. Many are on the

side of America and are more dangerous than many terrorists of the world. Today,

the government of Israel is sheltering the most dangerous of terrorists. Those

leading that government have personally ordered and taken part in the most

tragic acts of terrorism. Right now they are committing acts of terrorism

and they are also on the side of America.

That is not correct that anyone who is with you is not with the terrorists.

No, that is not the case. The most stubborn and evil terrorists are on your

Side right now. The same applies to the opposite side. Anyone who is not with us

[America], is on the side of the terrorists. No, that is not right either.

We are not with you and we are not on the side of the terrorists either.

[People chant: Allahu Akbar, Khamene'i is the leader, death to America, death to Israel...]


Criticizing US treatment of Muslims

The second point is that from the early hours after the incident, they made

The general atmosphere of their country anti-Islamic. How did you determine in

Those first hours that Muslims have conducted this act? If your information

Apparatus is so powerful that from the early hours, the radio and television in

America spoke in such a way that everyone believed that it was the work of Muslims, if you are so powerful in information gathering , then why haven't you been able to detect this widespread operation which has definitely taken months and some even say years to plan. How did you realize that it was the Muslims?

They made the general atmosphere such that people in America attacked

Mosques and attacked, shot and stabbed those Muslims who had an Islamic appearance.

In America and some European countries they made the atmosphere anti-Islamic.

The American president in his first remarks said that this was a Crusade.

The Crusades are the wars which the Christians set out from Europe to capture

Bayt al-Muqaddas [Jerusalem]. Those wars lasted for 200 years. At the end,

however, Christians and Europeans were defeated by the victorious Muslims who forced them out of the region. The crusade means the battle between Islam and


Why should a senior official be so inconsiderate and unrestrained in his

Speech if he did not have any ill intentions? Why have they accused the world

Muslims of committing a terrorist and disastrous act? They, first, turn the public

opinion against Islam and then, officially, tell the people not to attack

the Muslims. How could this be possible?

They have created an atmosphere under which Muslims and Arabs are

condemned. They publish Arabic and Islamic names and pictures of people with Arabic committing this act? Did they all have Islamic names? Why have not they published those names? They, first, create such an atmosphere, then advise the people not to attack the Muslims and say that Muslims are good. Is such a thing possible? This is a very bad and ugly act with long-lasting repercussions which will not be rectified easily or anytime soon.

The third point is that in these issues, they have been very demanding. Now

That they have been attacked, the Americans expect the entire world to cooperate

With them. Why? Because their interests have experienced a blow. Well, this is

Very demanding.

Have you ever respected the interests of others, that you now expect

everyone to respect yours? In today's world, is the possession of cannons, guns and

missiles a permit for a government to say that: It has to be what I say and nothing

else? Will the people of the world accept this? It is these that has made America


Look and see that today in which countries the people are burning the

American flag. Everywhere is not Iran. This conference that was recently held in

South Africa [the Durban Conference] demonstrated the feelings of the world

people, organizations and the different governments. With its bullying and great

demands, America has isolated itself.

If the American interests in the Persian Gulf are threatened, everyone has

To cooperate. But if the interests of the Persian Gulf countries are

threatened it doesn't matter. Many times they have trampled on the interests of different countries including our country, now they are saying that the whole world

has to cooperate with them because their interests have come under attack. This is

a great demand.

On Israeli terrorist acts

The next point is that in the minds of the American officials the meaning

Of terrorism is wrong. They define terrorism incorrectly. They define

terrorism in such a way that the massacre of the people of Sabra and Shatila - two

Palestinian camps in Lebanon, in which men, women and children were all

massacred one night on the orders of a person who is at present at the head

ofthe usurper Zionist regime [Ariel Sharon] - is not terrorism. That does not

constitute as terrorism in the eyes of the Americans.

A few years ago, some people gathered in front of the UN office in Qana, in

Lebanon, to stage a protest. An Israeli airplane, or helicopter, came along

And killed hundreds of them, men, women and children, hungry, thirsty people.

They sprayed them with bullets and killed them all. They do not consider that as


Many times they Israelis have kidnapped, killed people in Lebanon. That is

Not considered as terrorism. A few months ago the usurper government approved

That certain Palestinians should be assassinated. They even mentioned the term

assassination. They said they should be assassinated, and they assassinated

them. They blew up their cars, they killed several people. All that is not

considered as terrorism.

Criticizing America

But the people of Palestine, who have risen in the defense of their lands

and to reclaim their violated rights, who scream with stones in their hands - they

have no weapons - are called terrorists. That is the logic of the Americans.

Well, that is an incorrect logic. The world will not accept that logic.

The next point is that, they Americans say: We have no good and bad

terrorists, that all terrorists are bad. But in practice they, themselves, divide

terrorism into good and bad. In the skies of the Persian Gulf they shoot down an

Iranian airliner with hundreds of passengers onboard, without any reason or excuse; they blow up the airplane, tear the people into pieces and drown them in the sea – a clear case of terrorism. But then they give the commander of the warship a


Where can mankind take that grievance to? Not only do they not put them on

trial, not only do they not admonish them, not only do they not apologize

to Iran, but they give a prize to the commander of the warship. That is good

terrorism. [People chant: Death to America, several times]

Their logic is wrong. The purport is wrong and they expect the entire world

To mobilize behind them for the sake of this wrong purport. Moreover, they

expectthe rest of the world to help them. That is, not only they expect the world

not to protest against them, but they want help from everyone too.

On US intentions in Central Asia On the whole the evidences show that there is something else behind the scene of Afghanistan's issue today. They and their wrath are facing the hapless Afghanistan which has no supporters, because one man - or perhaps 10, 100 or 1,000 people inside that country - are accused of being behind the

explosions in New York and other places. But behind the scene, the issue is different.

Firstly, evidences show that the American government intends to repeat what

It did in the Persian Gulf in this region, that is, in Central Asia. They

intend to come and establish themselves in this region under the pretext of lack of

security here. Evidences show that they intend to do so in Pakistan, the

Subcontinent, the Central Asia and in Afghanistan, on the other side of our

eastern borders.

Secondly, they want to settle scores with anyone who defended the oppressed

people of Palestine. This is what they are really pursuing, the rest are

superficial matters.

No help for US over Afghanistan

The next point concern their statements in which they have demanded that

Iran should help them. They have asked for various assistance, including

Intelligence information and other forms of help. I am surprised how they have the

Audacity to ask the Islamic Republic government and the Iranian nation to help them? Over the past 23 years, you have employed everything and all your might to

inflict blows on this nation and this country. Now you expect us to help

you? What help? Even if the nation of Afghanistan were not Muslims and oppressed

and even if they were not our neighbor, your request for assistance would have

been misplaced. Let alone the fact that the nation of Afghanistan is oppressed

and deprived. Truly, one feels sorry for the people of Afghanistan.

You the American government expect assistance from the Islamic Republic.

No, we shall not offer any assistance to America and its allies in their attack on


Doubting America's sincerity

In the final analysis, we doubt the sincerity of the American government's

intention to combat terrorism. It is insincere and does not tell the truth.

It has other aims.

We do not think that America is qualified to lead an international movement

against terrorism. America's hands are soiled with all the crimes committed

by the Zionist regime in the recent years, which it is currently continuing

with utmost ruthlessness and violence. Destroying people's houses with tanks.

America is supporting this.

Such a government lacks the necessary qualification to lead an

International movement against terrorism. Everybody should know this, and our country's officials have also stated this in private gatherings and meetings. I also

Would like to repeat it for the benefit of our public and the world. Everybody

Should know that Iran, the Islamic Iran, will not participate in any movement that

is led by America.

[People chanting God is our protector and Khamene'i is our leader].

Fight against terrorism is Jihad

Of course, the fight against terrorism and the fight against those who

Undermine the people's security is an essential fight. It is a must. It is a Jihad.

Anyone who can take part in this fight, must do so. But this is a global movement

And therefore should have a moral leader.

Over the past few days our officials have declared that we are ready to

help andjoin this movement under the auspices of the United Nations. Yes, let me

saythat the UN is good but there is one condition. And that is, the UN should

notbe influenced by America and other major powers. Otherwise , if the UN and

its Security Council or other departments were to be influenced by them by the

American administration and other major powers , one could not trust the UN

either. We do not have good experience over such matters in the past.

Here, the Islamic governments shoulder a heavy burden of responsibility.

They must enter the arena as a global movement against terrorism, against

Violation of the people's lives and against violence which infringes the daily life

Of human citizens. They must enter the arena as an immense humanitarian

movement. This is a great obligation and the Organization of the Islamic Conference is duty-bound in this respect. We, as members of the OIC, believe that one of the essential obligations of this organization is to enter this arena is a

must. It must, however, be present in this arena independently. It must not be a

subservient to this or that power.

On the other hand, the issue of Afghanistan's nation is raised today. The

Nation of Afghanistan is a Muslim nation. It is part of the Islamic ummah.

On the plight of Afghans

The innocent people of Afghanistan have committed no crime. Are the lives

Of those who died in the World Trade Center in New York more precious than

those of the people of Afghanistan? Why? Is it because their collars are dirty? Is

it because they have been deprived of hygiene, nourishment, peace of mind and

security, all because of people who for many years were lackeys of the big

powers? Is that the reason? Before the events in Afghanistan, the coup d'etat twenty odd years ago, those who were in power were lackeys of the big powers. Then the communists came into power; they were affiliated to the Soviet Union. And what happen then, the people know and can see.

The interference of the powers has determined the fate of the people of

Afghanistan in recent years. These are the reasons for the poverty and

backwardness of the people of Afghanistan. Otherwise the people of

Afghanistan are freedom loving, with a very rich and ancient culture, they are brave, verytalented.

We know the people of Afghanistan. We have lived together for centuries. We

Know that they are very talented people. They are not inferior to any other

people in the world. And they have so many stronger points. What crime have they

committed that they should be the victims of various objectives and policies? The

Organization of the Islamic Conference and Islamic governments have a duty


They must act wisely and rationally and do not allow the Afghan people to

Be harmed. Even if a few terrorists - we cannot be certain of this of course,

This being a claim by the Americans - have camps there. Well, Afghan people

Should not have to pay for sins committed by them. Why should they be trampled on? We ask God to bestow His Grace on Islam the Muslims

[People say Aamin].

We Ask God to protect Islamic countries against their enemies

[People say Aamin].

Gladly, our government and nation have been treading on its own correct

Path with patience, wisdom, calmness and steadfastness. Our government and

Nation will continue on the same correct and dignified road. May God bless this

Country and nation and keep them in the prayers of Hadhrat Baqiyatullah (AJ)

[People chanting God is our protector and Khamene'i is our leader].

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