The meetings opened last night with joyful celebration as the Warriors joined forces once again to continue the war against the powers of darkness over the city of Detroit. Our last set of meetings were in November, so we were more than ready to be together again. There is a real sense of family that has developed among us, and because many of us do not belong to the same church, we rarely see each other between meetings. It is always wonderful to be together again, and happiness abounds as we greet one another and lift our hands in holy praise.
Tonight there is a renewed sense of pressing in as we go forward in this new year of 1999. We are not weary, we are not tired. We are more determined than ever to continue this battle until we see all of the breakthroughs we have been standing for. There is no doubt that God will do it, and we trust in His timing. In the meantime, we remain faithful Warriors. We are thankful that our "chief," Kim Clement, has been such an example of personal integrity, with great vision and insight, and purity to the gift of God placed in him. As always, the music is so wonderful, and the praise and worship so awesome, I am convinced there is nothing like it anywhere in the world.
Kim began to preach that we are about to move into a permanent state of victory and dominion - habitation in the place of dominion. People need revival because they�re in a mode of survival. The enemy is afraid of us because we are survivors. We have moved long ago from "revival." Our cry now is habitation.
But a prophetic generation has been born. So as in the day of Samuel - he was pure and holy, and there are some that are pure and holy today. And Samuel, as small as he is, was an open vessel for God to speak through. There was no longer any open vision or open revelation at that time because of corruptness in the temple, a corrupt priesthood, and corrupt religion. Samuel heard the voice of God, and when he went to the high priest, Eli, he told him to go back to sleep. That�s what the religious systems will do - a religious spirit will want you to go back to sleep; it will want you to rest from the things of God for the rest of your life. When you hear the voice of God, it means that you can challenge the old system. It means that your voice can become the voice of God. The one thing the previous generation did not have was an open vision, an open heaven Without vision, people perish, or dwell carelessly.
So Samuel challenges the old by his prophetic presence. The demonic powers want to stop the people of God from going forward and progressing. Progressive revelation is when we see beyond our present occupation. There are demonic powers that want to keep us from going any farther. The very presence of Samuel brought God back to the temple. The prophet always introduces you to a mountain. He cannot enforce vision, and they will only choose to follow their vision when challenged by a mountain. Great things happen when men and mountains meet. Everyone needs a mountain to make them great. That�s what a prophet does - he shows you the mountain. On a mountain you will see a whole lot more than before. Mountains bring about sight, bring about vision. Moses needed a mountain to see beyond the present.
Sometimes God gives his leaders a time of rest, or a sabbatical. In the absence of a great leader or visionary, the people many times lose sight of the vision and will create their own greatness out of the surrounding "smaller" circumstances. The absence of a leader reveals what�s really in the hearts of the people. While the visionary says, I may be gone awhile, but God�s going to show me what�s beyond this that we have occupied, the people will either stand fast and continue on, or build a golden calf. Most people prefer to build a religion that is more suitable to their heart condition; something that does not challenge them. A visionary is not one who only preaches from a pulpit. He makes a pulpit out of wherever he is. He says "this that we have occupied is only half the journey!" He leads the way, gives the vision to the people that God has shown him.
John 21 - Jesus is gone, removed from the people. He has been crucified, and resurrected. And in the midst of this, Peter says he is going fishing. He didn�t just mean fishing - he meant regular fishing. He was going back to what he used to do before he met Jesus, his old way of making a living. He�s challenged by the thought of a silver coin in the mouth of a fish.

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