About Us

When I was given this assignment, I tried to think of what spoke to me and what I was interested in. I love food. I also look cooking, baking, and creating different dishes. So, the part of what to pick was fairly easy for me. I then started thinking of locations. I wanted something different and out of the norm. This lead me to some of the places on my dream list that I want to visit someday. My family and I are huge fans of Asian foods, anime, and Asian culture. So, I thought that it would be perfect to pick an Asian location. At that time, South Korea was huge in the headlines for the ousted former President Park. I thought that would be a good place since it was a hot topic at the time. I then started looking at locations within South Korea. Since I was going with locations around major transportation pubs, I went with some major cities. That is when I came up with the selections I picked for locations. With that final piece, my project started.

I then focused on what was popular with South Korea and their culture. The have a love for Kpop, Kdrama, Idols, and cute things. They also have a strong belief in their heritage. I thought that their temples and some of their festivals would be perfect for the bakery theme. I didn't want it to be too flashy or loud in color. I wanted something soft and neutral toned to go with baked goods and the heritage pictures I had picked. I played around with many different color schemes and finally settled on the colors I have picked for my final project. I also didn't want my backgrounds to be loud and flashy. So, I went with an opacity style background. I then picked a video of the South Korean Cherry Blossom festival they have each year when the cherry blossoms bloom. The Cherry Blossom Festivals are a huge attraction in South Korea. It draws millions to all the festivals each year. With everything now in place, the next step was my coding and placement.

This is my first website. I wasn't sure how to do anything when I started. I have never even helped when it came to picking out color schemes for anything. This was all very new to me. So, I wanted to pick a scheme that was soft, warm, inviting, and had a home feel to it. I didn't want anything loud or over the top. I wanted to go with that feeling of when you walk into someone's home when they were baking homemade bread or desserts. That is why I went with the color scheme and pictures that are on the site. I feel that the color scheme and all the pictures I picked went very well together. They all blended well and nothing seemed out of place. They were soft and inviting. I could have gone with bold and bright colors but, that is not what I was going for or what I had in mind when it came to my bakery.

While this was my very first website and with my limited skills, I think my final project turned out well. I do admit there is a lot of room for improvement and growth. As I take more classes and learn new things, I will be able to grow even more. Experience is the best thing when it comes to learning and growing. The more I push forward, the more I will learn. The more I learn, the more I will grow. Growth will then lead to new things which will allow more growth. So, I will keep pushing forward and become more skilled than I am right now.