by Nathan Coppedge                                                              page
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NOTES ON UNITY                                            PAGE 1

NOTE 1: It may be helpful to see �world� in terms of understatement and overstatement. For a given quality or adjective there are three possibilities: it is understated, it is overstated, or it is perfectly true. In fact, it may help to assume that something is never perfectly true, that it is always either understated or overstated. We may say �that was fast� to express that we believe that something was so fast that the word doesn�t nearly capture the truth of the matter. Or we could say �that turtle is fast,� ironically. In the first case the situation that fast refers to serves to qualify what fast means. In the second case we have to shrink our world to perceive in what way the turtle is fast. So far as overstatement involves a shrinking of the reference world, we can say that it is a quality of subjectivity. So far as understatement involves a qualifying of terms, we can say that it is a quality of objectivity. To say there is a subjective world would be an overstatement. To say there is an objective world would be an understatement.

So what I mean to say is that in any case where we are comparing a quality of Subjectivity to a quality of Objectivity on opposite ends of an axis (and we create an axis whenever we compare them), it can be understood as a relationship between overstatement and understatement, between defining what the Subjective World is, and what the Objective definition is.

But in each case we are reflecting that there is some truth in the matter.

NOTE 2: It may be that the Ethical scenarios are only for those with absolute knowledge. Otherwise it is an ethical game. This corresponds with Spinoza�s sense that only God perceives the essential nature of a given object�unless we know the nature of moral action, to function in an ethical world we must instead follow rules based on faith.

NOTE 3: It may be that the possible is the meaningless, whereas the meaningful is the impossible. This is a very functional conception, which encourages seekers of meaning to conceive in terms of possibility, and seekers of possibility to conceive in terms of meaning. Likewise seekers of the impossible would see in terms of meaninglessness, and vice versa. It may be helpful to see this in terms of faith. One is most faithful concerning one�s object of faith. So when possibility is the most certain thing, one doesn�t have faith in the meaningless, and therefore conceives in terms of meaning. When the most certain thing is meaning, one has little faith in the possible, and therefore conceives in terms of the impossible. This may relate to the Soul-God : Time-World axes.






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