<BGSOUND SRC="ff7midi/prelude.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

Disclaimer and Progression

I'm a Crystal... I'm Special.

This site is not supported or endorsed by Square-Enix. All pictures and characters (except Dreydan obviously), are property of Square-Enix. None of the opinions or views within are shared by anyone at Square-Enix unless specifically stated. And all the rest of that legal mumbo-jumbo, as well as any relation to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Even those that are undead because their opinions are not usually reliable.

This page is only run by one person, so please go easy on me.

11/20/07 - I created a new section called Video FF7 so I can add links to any interesting movies I find. It'll give people a better look at Final Fantasy VII as long as they don't mind the spoilers. I also started working on the Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII page.

11/19/07 - Finally got around to posting a the stories in 'On a way to a smile' the cases of Denzel and Tifa. I'm still looking for the last one I know of, the Case of Barret.

9/18/07 - No matter how long I have to go between updates. I'll keep this page alive as long as there are fans of Final Fantasy VII. This place is way over ten years old already, having been recreated once after mysteriously disappearing. It's hard to believe I still have my first website sometimes, and that Final Fantasy VII has become even more popular over the years. I hope that my work never runs out and I'll always have something to add to this page for the people that've inspired me to keep going even if there are better pages out there.

7/10/06 - Nope this place isn't dead, I've been busy with real life things since the last time I've updated. Now I finally have "The Maiden Who Travels The Planet" posted up. I have a few other things to add soon when I have some free time.

3/21/06 - It's been a few months since I've updated, but I'm working on a few things not up just yet. There hasn't been much news on the rest of the FF7 compilation, but Dirge of Cerberus seems to be coming together so I've got that to work with.

11/12/05 - After about a week without any hits I find out about the 'sandbox effect' which basically is to stop spammers from trying to gain ranking in the search engines. The downside is that it punishes everyone, so I'm guessing I have another three months to even find out if my site is listed. I'll just continue to work on it in the meantime and hope that whenever it finally is listed I'll be notified. I feel bad for those people trying to start new businesses.

11/06/05 - I decided to finally open up the site to the public once again. Hope everything works right. I'll be adding more things gradually, but I've got just about everything I was thinking of up so far. Stay tuned.

11/04/05 - Just when I thought I had a grasp on all the information about Final Fantasy VII, I learn of the other sequals and stories that are not included in the compilation. I'll add some more information regarding these things, as well as see if there is anything else I may have overlooked. All FF7 information will be mine...mwahaha..

11/02/05 - Added a few more pages on the different types of materia.

10/19/05 - I finished putting the Advent Children page together after watching the imported version of the movie.

10/04/05 - I took a break from working on the site day and night for about a week so I don't get burnt out. Its still looking really nice and I've managed to redo the Summon Materia page so that it looks a little better. I did some checks today to see if the pages I'm still working on are connected. I'm thinking I might open up the site to the public earlier then expected.

9/16/05 - I've just completed this page after spending about two weeks rebuilding my page from what I could piece back together. It's actually coming together better than I expected. I hope people like the new look of the page, even though I didn't change it that much from the original design.


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