
Sophia's one of a kind,
Crazy, funny,
You'll never be bored...

Hi!!! This is Sophia's page. She's constantly happy and cheerful, a wonderful person to be around! Not only that but she's talented in both piano and dance...grrr... people like her make me jealous!! ^_~ Enjoy!

(*Note* I still haven't gotten the survey to her here's Leila's info..)

1. Name: Leila Rosemary Holmes
2. Gender: Female (that wasn't always the case... jkjk!!)
3. Birthday: Same as Tanya's (Figure it out!)
4. Birthplace: New Orleans, LA
5. Nicknames: Some call me Lilo... I call me "special" (*Note* I'm special! Well, only for this website.)
6. Hair Color: Brown
7. Eye Color: Hazel
8. Height: 5' 4.5"
9. Siblings and Ages: Clayton who's 19.He acts 7.
10. Pets: Dog named Missy. I personally wanted to name her Killer... but it didn't seem to fit a Yorkshire Terrier... which was exactly my point!
11. Heritage: Good question! (My brother says I was found in a dumpster)
12. Hobbies: Freeing gnomes and reading
13. Astrological Sign: Taurus
14. Left-handed or Right-handed: Right
15. Goals: Be happy, what ever that may mean in my life. Oh yeah... and to travel around the world!
16. Fears: Being eternally lonely. *grimaces*
17. Piercings: One on each ear.
18. Future College: Ugh... don't ask me that!!
19. Lucky Number: Three, I think.

Favorite: Feel free to say more than one!

Darn you Tanya!!! I can never decide!

1) Actor/ Actress: Mike Meyers
2) Animal: Sloth... we have a lot in common!
3) Article of Clothing: My snakeskin, rainbow-print pumps
4) Book: Ooooh man... so many! The Giver, maybe.
5) Breakfast Food: Eggs Benedict
6) Candy: Ice Cream Snickers Bar
7) Cartoon: Johnny Bravo or Spongebob
8) Color: Orange probably
9) Day of the Week: Friday... it's always a great feeling to know you have two full days of freedom!
10) Drink: Gatorade
11) Essential Oil: What the heck?!? Oils are essential? Better yet, to what are oils essential, other than the hydration of skin?
12) Fast Food Place: Wendy's for their salads.
13) Flower: Gerber Daisy
14) Food: Anything Ethnic (lol)
15) Fruit: Ohhh toughie... probably cherries!
16) Game: Cards, if that counts.
17) Holiday: Thanksgiving... great food! But it's badly placed, right in between Halloween and Christmas... It just gets overlooked.
18) Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
19) Instrument: Ha... the Kazoo!
20) Junk Food: Oreos... oh man, they're so fattening, but sooo good!
21) Key to own (keys to a BMW, flat, house, condo, etc.): Beach house in Bahamas and a flat in London
22) Language: Portuguese
23) Letter: the ones from my many secret lovers
24) Lotion: Lubriderm
25) Magazine: Vogue
26) Movie: I refuse to answer that one! (lol)
27) Month: April... or November...either one.
28) Music Artist: Dave Matthews Band (I guess)
29) Music Genre: funk
30) Name (male and female): Female- Lillie; Male, I don't know� something exotic, though
31) Ocean: Gulf of Mexico, does that count?
32) Painting: �The Last Supper� or �Starry Night�
33) Phrase: The snozberries taste like snozberries!!!" or "Don't worry, be happy!"
34) Place: Lying on a white, sandy beach with the warm sun reflecting off of the sparkling, crystal clear water. A soft and salty breeze blows my hair about making it dance about while feeling the sun's warmth soak into my bronze and sand-speckled body . *sips Pina Colada*
35) Quote: "Don't burn bridges you'll probably have to cross again." ~ Dear,old, Dad.
36) Question: What's in a Wonderball?
37) Restaurant: Indias
38) School Subject: Biology
39) Season: Spring
40) Sight: Expressions of love
41) Smell: an orange with cloves
42) Song: Roses
43) Sound: Laughter
44) Sport: Ultimate Frisbee, baby!!!
45) Store: Family Thrift
46) Teacher: Mr. Barnes
47) Trait in the Opposite Sex (Personality and Physical): Sense of humor, dark complexion
48) Trait in yourself (Ditto): Sense of humor and optimism, eyes
49) TV Show: Simpsons
50) University: I stay neutral.
51) Video Game: hmm... I don't really play.
52) Vegetable: I can't choose, so I'll just say a salad.
53) Website:
54) X-treme sport: Scuba diving!!!
55) Yogurt Flavor: Strawberry
56) Zoo animal: Monkeys
57) Pepsi or Coke: Dr. pepper, lol
58) Tattoos or Body Piercings: Only if I get wasted
59) Shower or Bath: Shower
60) Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
61) Money or Vacation: Vacation!!!
62) Sleep on your back or stomach: Mostly side, actually
63) Khakis or Jeans: Jeans, I don't even own any khakis.
64) Ends or Means (the goal/destination or how you got there?):Means, definitely!
65) Mustard, Mayonnaise, or Ketchup: Ketchup and Mustard
66) Dogs or Cats: Cats, they're so nonchalant... they're like little thugs!
67) Spring or Fall: Spring
68) Rural or Urban: Rural, probably
69) Night or Day: Night!
70) Kisses or Hugs: Hugs
71) Corduroy or Plaid: Plaid! Retro style!
72) Boxers or Briefs: Uhhh boxers... I guess. (lol)
73) Truth or Dare: Dare
74) Candle or Incense: My parent's don't trust me with fire.... 8-)
75) Coffee or Tea: neither... Hot Chocolate!
76) Sunrise or Sunset: Sunset
77) McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds. They actually have the happy meal boxes now!!! Yay!
78) Silver or Gold: Silver
79) Single or Taken: Single *sighs*

Dream: Okay� guys just bear with me and answer these questions�humor me!

1. Bedroom (Don�t ask! Some people do have one!): something bright and cheery
2. Car:At this point... anything that gets me from pt. A to pt. B
3. Date: A moonlit walk along the beach or just dancing!
4. Job: Something where I can travel and read!
5. House: Cute Cottage in Bahamas
6. Vacation: A trip around the world!
7. Wedding: Sunset and candlelit in a Vineyard


1) What languages do you speak? English and some choppy Spanish
2) What do you use for shampoo and conditioner? Herbal Essences and Pantene ProV
3) Do you collect anything? I buy a deck of cards from every place I travel.
4) Do you have a cell phone? nope
5) Do you wear perfume, cologne, or something else? What type? My mom gets headaches (lol) so, no, I don't.
6) If you could have any type of magical power what would it be? To fly!
7) What time do you go to bed? school days: 11 pm; summer : 2 am
8) When do you wake up? school: 5:22 am; summer: 9 am- 12 pm
9) Where have you traveled to before?England, Wash. DC, NYC, almost all South-eastern states, Wyoming, Utah, Texas, British Virgin Islands (Bahamas) that's all that really sticks out in my mind.
10) Are you usually on time or late? Late (lol) all my friends will agree.
11) What habit annoys you? Congested, snorty thing.
12) Can you cook? Actually, yes, I love to cook!
13) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? No, broke that when I was about 5.

10 Things you love:
Walks in the Rain
Star gazing
... being loved
Thrift shopping

10 Things you hate:

Paper cuts
Yippy dogs
Running mascara
Burning your mouth (hot food or drink)
Awkward silences

10 Things about you:

I'm always laughing
A slight bookworm, I suppose
I love random conversations
I thrive on human interaction
I'm single... ugh
I love the beach
I'm very indecisive
But also very easy going
I free the gnomes when the occasion arises
I enjoy the simple pleasures in life

10 Things about your friends:

They love me!
I love them!
Random conversations are the norm
... but they're oh so hilarious!
We don't spend enough time together
They embrace my "individuality"
They're all unique
Most are very ambitious and hard-working
It�s true... opposites attract (lol)
They support me and for that I'm thankful!

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