
An artist
But foremost,
A beautiful dreamer...

Welcome to Sheila's page filled with wonder and imagination. She'll be there through your successes and failures, her loyalty staying true. With her wonderful aspirations, time is not enough so she makes the most of it. If you catch her, and chances are, she's online right now, talk to her while you can!


1. Name: Sheila de Guzman
2. Gender: Female
3. Birthday: March 15
4. Birthplace: Corvallis, Oregon
5. Nicknames: Sheilerz, Sheilerdee, Mae
6. Hair Color: Black
7. Eye Color: Brown
8. Height: 5�5
9. Siblings and Ages: Lorena, 11; Marlou 11
10. Pets: None
11. Heritage: Filipino-American (full-blood Filipino though)
12. Hobbies: Art, Music, Internet, Photography
13. Astrological Sign: Pisces
14. Left-handed or Right-handed: Right-handed
15. Goals: Become a Physical therapist, Secretary of MAO, Vice of ICA..other things
16. Fears: Spiders, unappreciated effort, failure
17. Piercings: Ears
18. Future College: Maybe Boston College
19. Lucky Number:7 out of 07 buahaha�I�m so lame

Favorite: Feel free to say more than one!

1) Actor/ Actress: Emma Watson, Eric Bana
2) Animal: Tiger
3) Article of Clothing: Button down shirts
4) Book: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Of Mice and Men
5) Breakfast Food: PANCAKES
6) Candy: Chocolate?
7) Cartoon: Looney Tunes
8) Color: Blue
9) Day of the Week: Wednesday
10) Drink: Sierra Mist or hot chocolate or Double Chocolate Chip Fraps.
11) Essential Oil: None
12) Fast Food Place: Canes..duh :-p
13) Flower: Japanese Magnolia
14) Food: Filipino/(Americanized) Chinese food, Italian and Mexican
15) Fruit: Hard nectarines
16) Game: 13
17) Holiday: Christmas
18) Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate (but in Austria Strawberry)
19) Instrument: Piano
20) Junk Food: Pringles
21) Key to own: The key to my future husband�s heart
22) Language: Chinese but I speak French.. how lame
23) Letter: Z
24) Lotion: Love spell
25) Magazine: Teen people
26) Movie: Lord of the Rings, Prisoner of Azkaban, Troy, Sound of Music
27) Month: March
28) Music Artist: Evanescence, Hoobastank, New Found Glory, Linkin Park
29) Music Genre: Neo Rock
30) Name (male and female): Male- Isaac/Isayath; Female- Sidney
31) Ocean: The ocean of hair that surrounds me every morning lol..idk..
32) Painting:..You ask an artist this question!? You�re insane!! Haha jk.. um.. I�ll try the Mona Lisa
33) Phrase: �Life is too funny to stop laughing�
34) Place: EUROPE!!!!
35) Quote: �That is not ambassadorial behavior�
36) Question: �Why do guys like curves?�
37) Restaurant: Hard Rock
38) School Subject: English
39) Season: Fall
40) Sight: Historical things, famous sights, and HOT guys
41) Smell: Axe cologne and pancakes
42) Song: The Reason
43) Sound: Laughter
44) Sport: Soccer
45) Store: Wal*mart!!
46) Teacher: Donna Parker
47) Trait in the Opposite Sex: Humor
48) Trait in yourself: Artistic
49) TV Show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I love the 80�s, Best week ever, Awesomely bad�
50) University: Oxford, Yale, Stanford..those kinda things
51) Video Game: Super Mario Bros.
52) Vegetable: Corn, Broccoli, Lettuce
53) Website: Livejournals and Xangas
54) X-treme sport: Don�t know any
55) Yogurt Flavor: Peach or strawberry
56) Zoo animal: Tiger or the seals..


57) Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
58) Tattoos or Body Piercings: Tattoos
59) Shower or Bath: Shower
60) Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
61) Money or Vacation: Money to pay for a vacation
62) Sleep on your back or stomach: ..Mainly side but back will do
63) Khakis or Jeans: Khakis
64) Ends or Means: Means
65) Mustard, Mayonnaise, or Ketchup: (American) Mustard
66) Dogs or Cats: Dogs
67) Spring or Fall: Fall
68) Rural or Urban: Urban
69) Night or Day: Night
70) Kisses or Hugs: Kisses
71) Corduroy or Plaid: Plaid
72) Boxers or Briefs: Boxers
73) Truth or Dare: Dare
74) Candle or Incense: Candle
75) Coffee or Tea: Coffee
76) Sunrise or Sunset: Sunset
77) McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds
78) Silver or Gold: Silver
79) Single or Taken: Single

Dream: Okay� guys just bear with me and answer these questions�humor me!

1. Bedroom (Don�t ask! Some people do have one!): Canopy bed, window with canopy looking towards lovely scenery, bathroom, computer in the corner�or a New York style bedroom
2. Car: Smart car!! Haha not�definitely
3. Date: Night out walking on a beach ..something special I guess and different
4. Job: Actress, or Advertiser, Photographer,
5. House: Modern style house, hi-tech..1 floor..pool.. not far away from a busy life
6. Vacation: Europe!!! Or Australia
7. Wedding: Caribbean


1) What languages do you speak? English, French, and a little Filipino
2) What do you use for shampoo and conditioner? Pert�s Fresh
3) Do you collect anything? Friends, name tags
4) Do you have a cell phone? yes
5) Do you wear perfume, cologne, or something else? What type? Scented lotion?
6) If you could have any type of magical power what would it be? The power to make good jokes and people laugh..
7) What time do you go to bed? ..11 to midnight
8) When do you wake up? School days 5:35, weekends 9
9) Where have you traveled to before? Canada, Philippines, Italy, Austria, Switz, Germany and France
10) Are you usually on time or late? If it�s something I like, I�m on time�other than that late..
11) What habit annoys you? Being one-sided..silence..
12) Can you cook? Yes
13) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Yes

10 Things you love:

~Insert name of guy~
Long convos with friends

10 Things you hate:

Annoying people
One sided people
Obsessive people
Sixth graders who think they�re in love
Not enough time
Lack of effort

10 Things about you:
Laughs a lot
Your friend ;-)

10 Things about your friends:

DDR fans
13 masters

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