
She's pretty and smart,
A wonderful pianist
But her grammar kills me...

Hey hey hey!! Although I'll probably regret this abundantly after I read through this, but I'll do it because Rhonna spent extremely long time in making her "O"s into "0"s and "I"s into "i"s. Then I spent an extremely long time in fixing them. So in honor of Rhonna, "REMEMBER, Y0U HAVE TO LOOK ME IN THE FACE WiTHOUT SMiLiNG, MAKiNG A FACE, R0LLiNG YOUR EYES, ET CETERA. Y0U HAVE TO D0 IT AGAiN! Y0UR STANCE WAS MESSY!!" hahahah...


Name: Miss Rhonna!
Gender: Lady
Birthday: o8.o9
Birthplace: Oregon
Nicknames: A lot
Hair Color: Black/brown/with blond highlights
Eye Color: Light brown/ green
Height: 5`1
Siblings and Ages: 8 year old brother
Pets: None
Heritage: Chinese
Hobbies: Chillanng
Astrological Sign: Leo
Left-handed or Right-handed: Righty
Goals: Big time designer
Fears: Cockroaches/ the dark
Piercings: Ears
Future College: Stanford?!?
Lucky Number: 69!! Haha or 8

Favorite: Feel free to say more than one!

1) Actor/ Actress: J0HNNY DEPP!!!!
2) Animal: Wolf =)
3) Article of Clothing: Skirts
4) Book: A lot
5) Breakfast Food: Errr
6) Candy: STARBURST =)
7) Cartoon: SN0OPY!
8) Color: Red and pink
9) Day of the Week: Friday
10) Drink: Slushies and smoothies ;D
11) Essential Oil: Smell good kinds
12) Fast Food Place: Dunno
13) Flower: Roses
14) Food: Chinese =)
15) Fruit: Peaches?
16) Game: Err..
17) Holiday: Christmas =)
18) Ice Cream Flavor: Mint chocolate chip!! =P
19) Instrument: Umm piano??
20) Junk Food: Chocolate
21) Key to own (keys to a BMW, flat, house, condo, etc.): Everything.. >=)
22) Language: Cantonese
23) Letter: Ummm..
24) Lotion: Peony?
25) Magazine: A lot
26) Movie: PEARL HARBO =)
27) Month: AUGUST.. >=)
28) Music Artist: ALICIA KEYS
29) Music Genre: R N B, HIP HOP ; R0CK ; ANYTHING
30) Name (male and female): Boys: T0MMY ; RANDY :: Girls: KIMMIE ; VIVIAN
31) Ocean: ..ANY I GUESS
32) Painting: ERR
33) Phrase: FACK YOOOO
34) Place: WHEREVER
35) Quote: If you loves something let it go, if it comes back then it�s yours, if not fcuk it!
36) Question: What is it?
37) Restaurant: RYAN�S!
38) School Subject: Math?
39) Season: Winter =)
40) Sight: THE OCEAN
41) Smell: LOVE SPELL
42) Song: TOOO MANY!
43) Sound: UMMM
44) Sport: FOOTBALL
45) Store: TOO MANY
46) Teacher: MS. C0ATES =)
47) Trait in the Opposite Sex (Personality and Physical): FUNNY.. JUST A NICE PERSONALITY
48) Trait in yourself (Ditto): I DON�T KNOW
49) TV Show: TOO MANY
50) University: I DUNNO
51) Video Game: TEKKEN!! ;D
52) Vegetable: UMM
53) Website:
54) X-treme sport: BMX?
55) Yogurt Flavor: Errr
56) Zoo animal: MONKEYS!


57) Pepsi or Coke: COKE
58) Tattoos or Body Piercings: BOTH!
59) Shower or Bath: BOTH!
60) Chocolate or Vanilla: CHOC0LATE!
61) Money or Vacation: Money
62) Sleep on your back or stomach: Side?
63) Khakis or Jeans: Jeans
64) Ends or Means (the goal/destination or how you got there?): MEANS
65) Mustard, Mayonnaise, or Ketchup: Ketchup
66) Dogs or Cats: Dogs and cats
67) Spring or Fall: Spring
68) Rural or Urban: Either..
69) Night or Day: Day
70) Kisses or Hugs: BOTH! =)
71) Corduroy or Plaid: Both
72) Boxers or Briefs: Both
73) Truth or Dare: DARE >=)
74) Candle or Incense: INCENSE
75) Coffee or Tea: COFFEE
76) Sunrise or Sunset: SUNSET
77) McDonalds or Burger King: Umm... Mcky d�s?
78) Silver or Gold: Silver
79) Single or Taken: I�m happy either way.

Dream: Okay� guys just bear with me and answer these questions�humor me!

Bedroom (Don�t ask! Some people do have one!): Big and attractive, unique
Car: Eclipse ; Mustang ; whatever sportscar
Date: Romantic ;D
Job: Designer
House: Big and spacious ; colorful
Vacation: Romantic =)
Wedding: Church ; lots of people ; reception afterwards.. =)


1) What languages do you speak? English ; Chinese ; A little French
2) What do you use for shampoo and conditioner? TRESSEME
3) Do you collect anything? Not really
4) Do you have a cell phone? No =(
5) Do you wear perfume, cologne, or something else? What type? Sometimes ; Miracle
6) If you could have any type of magical power what would it be? Super fighting skills ; throw fire or electric stuff ;D
7) What time do you go to bed? Late
8) When do you wake up? Late
9) Where have you traveled to before? Places in the US� China
10) Are you usually on time or late? 0n time
11) What habit annoys you? Procrastinating
12) Can you cook? Uhhh�not really
13) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Mashi Maroo =)

10 Things you love:

My friends
Having fun

10 Things you hate:

The dark
Annoying things
Nothing else really

10 Things about you:

10 Things about your friends:
Trustworthy < Some

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