
He's the best there is
The King of the World
But only in his dreams...

I see you have landed in the Master's domain. Welcome, and I hope you enjoy your stay. Be wary of giving him a bigger ego, we already have two people especially for that job...Wait, what?!?!~ACK~ I was being brainwashed...MASTER?? In his dreams...bahh...arrogant.. ~muttering~


1. Name: Leixin Zhao
2. Gender: Male
3. Birthday: June 2
4. Birthplace: China
5. Nicknames: Lex, Lexi, Sexy Lexi, Ray, Flexi Lexi
6. Hair Color: Brown
7. Eye Color: Brown
8. Height: Idk 5'6"
9. Siblings and Ages: Lil bro Shane 7
10. Pets: Pets smell
11. Heritage: Chinese
12. Hobbies: Making plans to take over the world
13. Astrological Sign: Gemini, Snake
14. Left-handed or Right-handed: Right
15. Goals: Taking over the world
16. Fears: Not taking over the world
17. Piercings: None that I know of
18. Future College: Caltech
19. Lucky Number: 7

Favorite: Feel free to say more than one!

1) Actor/ Actress: Don't care much for actors, any actress that's hot
2) Animal: Who needs animals?
3) Article of Clothing: Comfortable underwear
4) Book: Anything but my chemistry book
5) Breakfast Food: Nothing American
6) Candy: Anything that's sweet
7) Cartoon: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
8) Color: Darks shades of any color, nothing that burns my eyes
9) Day of the Week: Saturday
10) Drink: Nothing carbonated
11) Essential Oil: Coconut oil for my sexy body
12) Fast Food Place: Wendy's (I'm not officially with Wendy's)
13) Flower: Chrysanthemum, the Chinese variety
14) Food: Chinese food
15) Fruit: Chinese fruit
16) Game: Twister
17) Holiday: Chinese New Year
18) Ice Cream Flavor: Cherry with chocolate and cookie dough
19) Instrument: Anything I can play and sound good
20) Junk Food: I'm Chinese (*Note* That's just Ray being weird..I'm Chinese, and I think junk food is hot!! hehe)
21) Key to own: Key to a girl�s heart
22) Language: Chinese
23) Letter: C is for cookies
24) Lotion: Body lotion
25) Magazine: Popular Science
26) Movie: Rush Hour, The Borne Identity, movies with Chinese actors
27) Month: June
28) Music Artist: The Ataris
29) Music Genre: Punk Alt Rock
30) Name (male and female): Leixin & Stephanie
31) Ocean: Pacific (South China Sea)
32) Painting: Monet's Lilies
33) Phrase: Yea, I know I'm smart
34) Place: Home
35) Quote: "Yea, I know I'm smart"
36) Question: Why are you so smart?
37) Restaurant: Chimes Cafe
38) School Subject: History
39) Season: Fall
40) Sight: Beautiful women
41) Smell: Beautiful women
42) Song: Saddest Song � No Use For A Name
43) Sound: Beautiful women
44) Sport: Soccer
45) Store: Best Buy
46) Teacher: Mrs. Russ
47) Trait in the Opposite Sex: Sincerity
48) Trait in yourself: Confidence
49) TV Show: The Amazing Race
50) University: Caltech
51) Video Game: Age Of Empires
52) Vegetable: Broccoli
53) Website: Ebay
54) X-treme sport: Sky Surfing
55) Yogurt Flavor: Yogurts have flavor?
56) Zoo animal: Who needs animals


57) Pepsi or Coke: Coke
58) Tattoos or Body Piercings: Tattoos
59) Shower or Bath: Shower
60) Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
61) Money or Vacation: Vacation
62) Sleep on your back or stomach: Back
63) Khakis or Jeans: Khakis
64) Ends or Means: Ends
65) Mustard, Mayonnaise, or Ketchup: Mayo
66) Dogs or Cats: Neither, animals are filthy
67) Spring or Fall: Fall
68) Rural or Urban: Urban
69) Night or Day: Night
70) Kisses or Hugs: Idk, never been kissed
71) Corduroy or Plaid: Plaid
72) Boxers or Briefs: Boxers
73) Truth or Dare: Dare
74) Candle or Incense: Candle
75) Coffee or Tea: Tea
76) Sunrise or Sunset: Sunset
77) McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds
78) Silver or Gold: Gold
79) Single or Taken: Single

Dream: Okay, guys just bear with me and answer these questions...humor me!

1. Bedroom (Don't ask! Some people do have one!): Mine
2. Car: Lexus
3. Date: Dinner, movie, and a walk on the boardwalk next to the beach
4. Job: Emperor
5. House: Mine
6. Vacation: To space
7. Wedding: In space


1) What languages do you speak? Chinese and English
2) What do you use for shampoo and conditioner? 2 in 1
3) Do you collect anything? Nope
4) Do you have a cell phone? Nope
5) Do you wear perfume, cologne, or something else? What type? Cologne, Drakkar Noir
6) If you could have any type of magical power what would it be? Invisibility
7) What time do you go to bed? 9-10 pm
8) When do you wake up? 6-7 am
9) Where have you traveled to before? China
10) Are you usually on time or late? Early
11) What habit annoys you? Biting nails
12) Can you cook? No
13) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? No

10 Things you love:

And I
Alcohol (*Note* Is there a side we don't know about? Hmmm??)

10 Things you hate:

Obese people
Obese animals
Unknown odors
Hairy women
Annoying people
People who act stupid
Excess of anything

10 Things about you:

15 years of age
Respect elders
Would like to go to space
Likes peace and quiet
Feels the world is a better place with me around
Wishes there are more people like me
Want to do so much yet I have only a lifetime.

10 Things about your friends:

They are weird
Play DDR
Like anime
Play video games
Typical teenagers
Totally different from the kind of person I am

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