

Welcome to the page of Pearl!! Made especially for her! I can safely say that she's one of sweetest people you will ever meet, and she never takes anything for granted, teehee... ^_^


1. Name: Pey Shan Pearl Kuo
2. Gender: Female
3. Birthday: February 24
4. Birthplace: Taipei, Taiwan
5. Nicknames: Pearlie-Whirly, Pikaye
6. Hair Color: Dark brown
7. Eye Color: Dark brown
8. Height: 5�3�
9. Siblings and Ages: Jennifer Kuo, 20
10. Pets: None
11. Heritage: Taiwanese-Chinese
12. Hobbies: Reading Naruto, internet, some video games, and sleeping (if that counts? )
13. Astrological Sign: Pisces
14. Left-handed or Right-handed: Right-handed
15. Goals: Have a good life! ^.^
16. Fears: Being alone
17. Piercings: Ears
18. Future College: UT Austin, Rice, Berkeley (with Alex!!!), or Washington University in St. Louis
19. Lucky Number: 17

Favorite: Feel free to say more than one!

1) Actor/ Actress: Sean Connery, Charlize Theron, and Angelina Jolie
2) Animal: Real animal- zebra; Imaginary animal-unicorn
3) Article of Clothing: My new "Harry Potter"jacket *grins*
4) Book: The Chosen (That's the only one I can think of right now.)
5) Breakfast Food: Hashbrown
6) Candy: Lifesaver Gummies/ M&M Crispies
7) Cartoon: Naruto
8) Color: Silver, yellow, or orange
9) Day of the Week: Sunday-> my relax day
10) Drink: Pearl Milk Tea
11) Essential Oil: Jasmine
12) Fast Food Place: Whataburger
13) Flower: Lily
14) Food: Anything mommi or daddi makes
15) Fruit: Mango
16) Game: Phase Ten and Scrabble
17) Holiday: Chiristmas
18) Ice Cream Flavor: Green tea
19) Instrument: Piano
20) Junk Food: Cheetoes
21) Key to own: A key to true happiness
22) Language: Mandarin!!!
23) Letter: P.K.
24) Lotion: Victoria's Secret
25) Magazine: Teen People is okay
26) Movie: Gladiator
27) Month: February
28) Music Artist: Jay Chou
29) Music Genre: Lots
30) Name (male and female): Male-Derrick/ female-Pearl (actually I like my name a lot)
31) Ocean: Pacific
32) Painting: Starry Night by Van Gough
33) Phrase: "Okie dai!"
34) Place: My house or Taiwan
35) Quote: "You live to learn, and learn to love!" and "Take things one step at a time."
36) Question: 'Nani??"
37) Restaurant: Erbbb�Shin Shin in Houston
38) School Subject: Lunch
39) Season: Fall or winter or spring, but NOT summer
40) Sight: A clear, blue sky
41) Smell: Jasmine
42) Song: "Cute Girl" by Jay Chou
43) Sound: The steady beating of the heart
44) Sport: Tennis
45) Store: Clothes-American Eagle; Items- Sanrio
46) Teacher: D. Parker
47) Trait in the Opposite Sex: Caring and understanding
48) Trait in yourself: Eyes and lips (lips is because it was my grandfather's lips, and eyes�I dunno, I just like my eyes)
49) TV Show: That's 70's Show and Naruto
50) University: Oxford is realli pretty
51) Video Game: DDR, Muppet Racing, and Bust-A-Groove
52) Vegetable: Potato
53) Website: Xanga and Naruto Fan
54) X-treme sport: Skating
55) Yogurt Flavor: Whips! Vanilla flavor
56) Zoo animal: Kangaroos and otters

57) Pepsi or Coke: Coke
58) Tattoos or Body Piercings: Tattoos
59) Shower or Bath: Shower
60) Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
61) Money or Vacation: Money
62) Sleep on your back or stomach: Side
63) Khakis or Jeans: Jeans
64) Ends or Means: Means
65) Mustard, Mayonnaise, or Ketchup: Mayonnaise
66) Dogs or Cats: Dogs
67) Spring or Fall: Fall
68) Rural or Urban: Urban (*Note* I have walked to the mall from my old house before, Pearl would die in the wilderness....)
69) Night or Day: Night
70) Kisses or Hugs: Hugs
71) Corduroy or Plaid: Corduroy
72) Boxers or Briefs: Boxers
73) Truth or Dare: Truth
74) Candle or Incense: Candle
75) Coffee or Tea: Tea
76) Sunrise or Sunset: Sunrise
77) McDonalds or Burger King: Mickey D's
78) Silver or Gold: Silver
79) Single or Taken: Taken

Dream: Okay (guys just bear with me and answer these questions humor me!)

1. Bedroom (Don't ask! Some people do have one!): Current one
2. Car: Not sure�
3. Date: Nice dinner and somewhere fun after
4. Job: *srugs*
5. House: A nice one in Cali
6. Vacation: Ireland
7. Wedding: Japan


1) What languages do you speak? Mandrain and English
2) What do you use for shampoo and conditioner? Pantene PRO-V
3) Do you collect anything? Sanrio items
4) Do you have a cell phone? Yes
5) Do you wear perfume, cologne, or something else? What type? None�I have my "natural" scent
6) If you could have any type of magical power what would it be? To fly or have chakra (a Naruto thing)
7) What time do you go to bed? About 10:30
8) When do you wake up? 6:15
9) Where have you traveled to before? Lots of places
10) Are you usually on time or late? If with dad-on time, if with mom-late
11) What habit annoys you? Leg shaking and other stuff
12) Can you cook? Dear me, no
13) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Yes!

In no particular order:

10 Things you love:

1) Family
2) Friends
3) Having "fights" and good convos with my sister
4) Hugs with feeling
5) Traveling
6) Seeing people I care about happy
7) Happy memories
8) Love, itself
9) Seeing my mom and dad being together�making fun of each other and etc.
10) Life, it's so good right now�at least for the majority of the time

10 Things you hate:

1) What might happen in the future
2) Annoying people
3) Making my parents worried/ disappointed
4) People who break important promises
5) Very stingy people
6) When people I love cry
7) Abusers
8) Feeling alone, depressed, and useless
9) Not being able to be strong
10) Crying unintentionally

10 Things about you:

1) Happier than I have ever been (because of good friends and family!
2) Quite secure
3) Full (I just ate! Keke)
4) Careless and clumsy, sometimes
5) Na�ve
6) Enjoys privacy
7) Day dreamy�about certain things *blushes*
8) Pretty�I don't think I'm ugly or gorgeous, just enough looks to get by.(*Note* I think she's more than JUST enough looks..don't you?!?!)
9) Crazy, especially when I'm with my friends O.O
10) Thinks too seriously about this survey *grins*

10 Things about your friends:

1) Fun!!!!
2) Beautiful in their individual ways
3) Precious to me
4) A variety of personalities
5) Supportive
6) Understanding and accepting
7) Trustworthy
8) Generous and kind
9) True friends, not "fake" ones that just come and go
10) Lots of love�all around!

Some think she's a demon child
Others think she's an angel
I plead the fifth...

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